Deliver overview

About Deliver

The Deliver module is the home of tests. It is where question sets are added into tests, tests are created,  and tests are activated for Candidates.

Search and Filters

You can search for tests by entering text within the search bar, and you can filter tests by clicking Filters.

The following Filters are available:

  • Created by
  • Test status
    • Created
    • Scheduled
    • Active
    • Finished
    • Grading in progress 
    • Graded
  • Evaluation type
  • Grading only
    • Disabled
    • Enabeld
  • More filters
    • Created
    • Test end date
    • Number of candidates
    • Primary submission deadline
    • Test start date
    • Unit


A test consists of Setup, Options, Design settings, and Assessment settings.


The Test Setup consists of the core information that needs to be included in the test. Information in the test setup includes adding contributors, the test duration, test information, invitation mode, adding candidates, and adding committees.

  1. Contributors are added to give certain users access to the test and enable them to perform tasks for the specific test. Users that are not added as contributors will not have access to the test or the candidate list for the test. 
  2. The Test duration is added and includes the actions Test opens, Standard end time, and Duration. Test opens is the time that the test opens, Standard end time is when the test closes, and Duration is used to limit the time the candidate can use for completing the test. 
  3. The test information (optional) is information given to the candidates related to the test by the Planner. This information can be used in a way to include formal information such as test instructions.
  4. Candidates are added to the test(s) in invitation mode.
    • Individual submissions or Group submissions are chosen.
    • Candidate actions such as spell checker, request explanation, individual end time, planned extra time, etc can be added.
  5. Committees can be added and allow you to assign specific graders to candidates by using the committee feature. You can create multiple committees and have multiple graders in the same committee. You can also choose the number of candidates in each committee.


The Test Options control much of the candidate experience on a test. The Options include General settings, Security, Exam day, After test, Grading workflow, and Explanation of Grades

  1. General options include Test options, Marking 2.0, and Candidate Report.
  2. Security options include Require Lockdown Browser, Open Browser, and Invigilator instructions PDF.
  3. Exam Day options include Candidate tools and aids, Candidate Dashboard, Chat, Hand drawing on paper, and Lost Connection Alert.
  4. After test options include Post-submission review, Results page, Final Grades, Marks, Share comments and correct answers with candidate, and Comment settings.
  5. Grading workflow options include General workflow and Collaboration settings.
  6. Explanation of Grades option.

Design settings

The Design settings control the design settings of a test. The Options menu displays the Author's design choices in the Question Set and allows you to finalize the Design settings. Within the Design settings, you can choose to keep the Author's Design settings or override them.

Assessment settings

The Assessment settings control the Grading scale, Mark scheme, and Edit thresholds.



The purpose of templates is to speed up the test creation workflow. By using templates, new tests can be created with a few clicks. Once created, tests created from templates behave like any other test in Inspera Assessment. Any property of a test can be included in a template, so it is automatically defined in new tests created from the template.  

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