Inspera Assessment offers several options to create tests. A test can be created manually, either from completing all fields or through the use of templates, it can be imported from a connected external system, or created through our APIs.

This article will guide you through a manual setup of a test. Creating tests are available for users with the role Planner.

  1. Login to Inspera Assessment
  2. Select Tests from the Deliver tab.
  3. Click on the Create new test button.
  4. Click on Inspera Assessment

Overview of this article


Part 1 - Setup

The first part of the setup is to give the test a name, choose a question set and set the start and end time of the test:


  1. Test name: Enter the name in the Test name textbox. 

    Note: Do not include box brackets [ ] in the test name as exports may fail, and the database limitation is 500 characters.
  2. Select question set: Click on the folder icon and select/enter in the search bar the question set/s you have access to.

    Note: As a Planner, you don't automatically have access to question sets and so the author must share it before it can be added to the test.

  3. Alternatively, create the question set. You must have the Author role.
  4. Test opens: Enter the start time and date for the test. Candidates will not be able to open the test and view questions before this time.
  5. Standard end time: Enter the end time and date for the test. When end time is reached, candidates who are in progress will be redirected to the submit page to submit their answers. Once the time has passed, candidates will not have access to the questions.
  6. Duration: Enter the amount of time candidates have to complete the test.

    Example: If the test starts at 09:00, ends at 13:00 and duration is set to 2 hours, candidates can start at any time between 09:00 and 13:00, but have only two hours to complete the test.

    : The standard closing time applies in the previous example, and the test will close at this time, even if the candidate have not yet used two hours.

    : The test duration cannot be set to more than 8 hours.

  7. Test information: Optionally, entered information will only be visible to the candidates on their Dashboard. Information that candidates should have access to during the test should not be added. 

For more information, refer to the Test information article.


Part 2 - Candidates

The second part is adding candidates to the test.


There are multiple methods of adding candidates to a test:

  1. Invite by sharing test code
  2. Or Other candidate types if adding manually

    Note: A limit of 1500 candidates per test is permitted. 


Part 3 - Options

Refer to the articles for information on the various settings. The options selected depend on the type of test, and how they should be planned and structured. 


Expand the sections to see the different options available.

Refer to the relevant Help Center articles for each section:



Part 4 - Add contributors to the test 

For more information on how to add contributors to a test and their roles in the test, refer to the Test settings - adding contributors to test article.



Part 5 - Design, assessment settings, and activation

Click the Next button for further options in setting up the test. 



The Author can design settings in the question set and these are automatically implemented to the test. However, the Planner can change these settings, and will not impact the initial design of the question set. 


Assessment settings:

Select the appropriate Grading scale that applies to the test. If there are automatically marked questions, threshold values will be added. These can be changed now, or by the Grader during the grading process. For more information, refer to the Grading Scales article.

Threshold values can be activated if there are no automatically marked questions in the test. By activating threshold values, Graders will set marks on each question that can be used to calculate a grade. If it is not activated, Graders will set a grade on each question, and final grade will not be automatically calculated. 

This setting can be changed after the test is finished. Once grading commences, the option to activate threshold values can no longer be available. Grading starts when Grader sets a mark or grade.

Optionally, upload a Mark scheme for Graders. Mark schemes can be any file type, and Graders downloads it from the grading tool. For more information, refer to the mark scheme article. 



This tab shows a summary containing test start and end time, the question set used, test information added in Part 1, and invigilator instructions from Part 3 (Security options).

Click on the Activate test button.


Activate test:

Activating the test will make the test visible for the assigned candidates. The test opens automatically at the start time.

Invitations will be sent to graders that are added as contributors.

You can enable/disable the test but invitations will only be sent once. 

Articles in this section

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