Test settings - Explanation of grades

When setting up an Inspera Assessment test, there are several options to choose from to create a test that suits your specific needs.

This article will describe the settings for administration of explanations.

See also the full guide for planners, and the guide for graders.

Administration of explanations

Available for Planner 

This feature requires activation. 

These settings can be changed any time during the grading process. However, it is recommended to keep the initial settings.


There are three options to choose from when you click on Enable administration of Explanations:

  • Request explanations of all grades: if this option is selected, the status under Explanation of Grades column in Monitor will be ‘Requested’ for all candidates.
  • Allow graders to send explanations directly to candidates: Leaving this unchecked means that the planner sends the explanations on behalf of the graders.
  • Set deadline for explanation: The deadline for explanation applies to all candidates on the test. The graders will see the deadline in the grading page of each candidate.
    • The deadline can be changed at any time. Setting the deadline will work only as a reminder for the grader and has no impact on other settings in the test.


To request or cancel explanations for candidates, open the candidate list, click on a candidate, and choose from available actions. This is also how the planner sends explanations, if it is decided that the grader is not allowed to send explanations.

On the test front page, the planner will see widgets for the explanation status of the candidates on the test.



Please note:

  • The grader must mark the explanation as Ready before the planner can send it. Draft explanations cannot be sent.
  • The test must have status “graded” before any explanations can be sent.
  • If the grader is allowed to send explanations, the planner can still send on behalf of the grader.





Test settings explained

This presentation was a part of Inspera Seminar 2020. It walks you through all test settings in Inspera.

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