When setting up an Inspera Assessment test, there are several options to choose from to create a test that suits your specific needs.
This article will describe the After test settings. These settings determine what your candidates have access to after the test is finished. The settings can be changed at any time, except for Enable results page, which can only be set prior to activating the test.
Post-submission review
To enable candidates to view their submission after the test has ended, you need to enable the option and select when the submission and what information should be available. The submission will be saved for up to two years. After two years the submission will be permanently removed from the system.
- Allow candidate post-submission review
When enabled, the candidates can log into Inspera after the test has ended, to see their submission. If no date is set there is no time limit, and the candidates will always have access. To restrict access, select an available from and to date. Both dates are including the given date. - Instant post delivery access
The candidates may view or download their submission immediately after submitting, even if the test end time has not passed. Please note that if instant availability is enabled an available from date restriction cannot be selected. - Allow post-submission review in Lockdown Browser only
Requires that Safe Exam Browser is enabled and is used together with Instant post-delivery access. This option lets the candidates see the submission directly after submitting, and before they leave the lockdown browser. This is instant access, and the candidates cannot see their submission in future sessions in lockdown browsers. - Include Correct Answers and Results Page
The correct answers for automatically marked questions will be visible in the submission review. In the submission summary page, status of the answers (correct/wrong/unanswered) for each of the questions and achieved marks for automatically marked questions will be visible.
Note: For both manually marked questions, and overridden marks on automatically marked questions, the requirement for showing the marks per question is that the marker workflow is set to “Shared marking”. If the marker workflow on the test is “Private marking and results alignment”, the overridden marks, and marks for manually marked questions will not be available.
- Allow candidates to sign off own submission (Requires activation)
Selecting this option will allow candidates to delete their own submission when final grading is confirmed. ‘Remove submission’ button can be found in the archive tab on Candidate Dashboard.
Requires activation by service desk.
The options become available if the question set contains feedback on one or more questions and/or feedback for one or more of its alternatives. See how predefined feedback can be added here.
Include feedback on alternatives: the candidates will see the feedback for all the alternatives. Leave it disabled if you only want to show the feedback for the alternative the candidate chose.
Note that the feedback will be shown to candidates immediately after submission if Instant post delivery access is enabled.
Enable inclusion of feedback on alternatives, and/or question (requires activation).
If the author has added pre-defined feedback to questions, or to alternatives in supported question types, this option will determine whether feedback is visible for the candidate.
Read more about predefined feedback.
Results page (when submitting)
To allow for candidates to se their result of the submission immediately after the candidate submits the Enable result page can be selected.
Note that this setting can’t be changed after the first candidate on the test has submitted. This is because the access to the result page is instant access directly after submitting, and valid only for the current session. Once the candidate logs out of Inspera, the other post submission review options must be activated to give access.
Result of the submission will appear immediately after the candidate submits. In the submission summary page, columns for status of the answers (correct/wrong/unanswered) and achieved marks for automatically marked questions will be available.
Select ‘Show Total Marks Only’ if you want candidates to see the total marks they achieved, but not whether the answers are correct. The total score will be visible on the top-left corner of the page right after submission. The columns for Status and Marks per question will be left empty. This setting is not compatible with manually marked questions.
Share comments and correct answers with candidate
The commenting tool allows markers to post annotations and general comments (Page Notes), to students, co-markers and as draft comments. If ‘Shared with candidate’ is enabled, candidates with status Graded will be able to access the comments the marker has shared with them.
If the comments are shared, the candidate will get access to the commented question only, unless any of the settings below are activated. This means that it is possible to show the comments for one question, and at the same time not give the candidate access to the whole submission.
When the candidate views the test in their archive, there will be a link to the commented question.
Read more about commenting submissions:
To enable candidates to see their achieved total marks and marks per question both Marking 2.0 (new marking tool) and Candidate report has to be selected.
Additional options for comments
- Allow graders to post comments to each other -
The co-grader channel is only available if multiple graders are assigned
Graders can always, regardless this setting, send direct feedback to individual candidate on the candidates answers. If this setting is enabled the graders can also post comments to each other.
Final Grades
Show Final Grade on Candidate Dashboard (Requires activation)
When graders have confirmed the final grade, the candidates can log in to see the grade in their archive. The candidates will not be notified of the grade automatically.
Test settings explainedThis presentation was a part of Inspera Seminar 2020. It walks you through all test settings in Inspera. |