Mark scheme

Available for Grader and Planner.

The mark scheme is an instruction to the grader on how to mark submissions in Inspera Assessment. Adding a mark scheme is optional. Mark schemes can be added both on question level by the Author and on test level either by the planner or grader.

Once a mark scheme has been added, it will be available to the grader in the marking tool.

If no mark scheme has been added in beforehand to a test, the grader or planner can add a mark scheme in the marking tool. At this point this is only possible on test level, not on question level.

Note: If a planner does not add a mark scheme when creating a test, the planner or grader can do so in the marking tool.


Download mark scheme

Provided that a mark scheme exists for the test, it is located in the options menu in the upper right corner of the marking module. Do the following to download the mark scheme:

  1. Open the test in Grade
  2. Click Options in the upper right corner (1)
  3. Click “Mark scheme …” under Download (2)
  4. Click “Download” (3).


To replace the mark scheme, click Replace.

Note: Although it is possible to upload other file types such as Word or Excel, we recommend uploading the mark scheme as PDF.


Mark scheme on questions

In some cases a mark scheme has been added to specific questions by the question author. These mark schemes will be visible for the grader in the workspace Marking next to the question, see picture below.


A mark scheme on question level can be added by the author before the test has started. This mark scheme is visible for the grader on the right side of the question, in the Marking workspace. 


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