Description of standard workspace setup for graders

This is available for Graders in Marking 2.0.

The article will go through each workspace and briefly explain what you, as a grader, can do in these workspaces. 


Table of contents

  1. The header
  2. Workspace side panel and navigation breadcrumbs
  3. Grading overview
    3.1 Shortcut cards
    3.2 Candidate data table
    3.3 Results view option
  4. Candidate in focus
  5. Marking
  6. Explanations
  7. Questions
  8. Getting started


The header

The global header at the top shows the test name and if relevant, which committee you are operating in at the moment. Clicking on the "View or change committee" text button opens a overlay which allows you to

  • view details of a committee 
  • (if applicable) switch to another committee you are part of

To learn more about how the header will look for graders within a committee, visit the Help Center article  The header in Marking 2.0 (grader).


Workspace side panel and navigation breadcrumbs

Menu in workspace side panel

Reflecting the common grader workflows, the workspaces are organized to provide different vantage points that graders take when evaluating the cohort/class, individual candidate, and that candidate’s response to a given question. This manifests in the menu indentation of two sub-level workspaces and a set of navigation breadcrumbs that aids wayfinding.

  • Grading overview (Level 1)
    • Candidate in focus (Level 2)
      • Marking (Level 3)
  • Explanations
  • Questions

To learn more about how the workspace side panel works, visit the Help Center article Workspace side panel.

Navigation breadcrumbs

1. Navigation breadcrumbs

The navigation breadcrumbs at the top of each workspace indicate your current location. Clicking on any part of the breadcrumb allows direct navigation to the workspace of the clicked breadcrumb. The screenshot shows when in the Marking workspace how the breadcrumbs display the trail of workspaces. 

  • Level 1: Grading overview
  • Level 2: Grading overview > Candidate in focus: {CandidateID}
  • Level 3: Grading overview > Candidate in focus: {CandidateID} > Marking: Question {QuestionNumber}

2. Workspace-relevant navigator

Below the navigation breadcrumbs is a navigator that allow you to control workspace-relevant navigation.

  • In Candidate in focus workspace,  the navigator provides the options for you to
    1. switch to the previous and next candidate
    2. search a candidate via the dropdown menu 
    3. use the dropdown filter menu to display a subset of candidate

  • In Marking workspace, the navigator provides the options for you to
    1. switch to the previous and next candidate or question
    2. search a candidate or question via the dropdown menu 
    3. use the dropdown filter menu to display a subset of candidates or questions
    4. switch on and off the auto navigation function to go to the next candidate or question when a mark has been set

You can read more about how to navigate between candidates and questions in the Navigation in Marking workspace


Grading overview

The workspace Grading overview gives you an overview of the marking status on the cohort level.



The Grading overview consists of two sections, shortcut cards and candidate data table.

1. Shortcut cards:

  • Marking shortcut card: Clicking on the shortcut card leads to the Marking workspace, defaulting to the candidate's first question or the first unmarked question of an ungraded candidate. 
  • Graded candidates shortcut card: The card displays the number of graded candidates and clicking on it switches the tab of the candidate data table below to ‘Ungraded candidates’.

2. Candidate data table:

2.1 Tabs

  • All candidates tab: Gives you an overview of all the candidates and the status of the marking.
  • Ungraded candidates: Overview of the candidates who have not been given a grade by you. 
  • Flagged candidates: Displays the list candidates that have been flagged for review.

2.2 Table column headers

  • Flagged: Ability to flag candidates and sort candidates that have been flagged.
  • ID:  Candidate number (of name if the test is not anonymous).
  • Attachment: This column will appear if there is an attachment attached to the candidate's submission. Clicking on the file name will open the attachment in a new tab. 
  • Your grade: You can set grades directly within this column. This can be helpful if you choose not to mark parts of the questions.
  • Grades: Shows the grades you have set. If you are part of a committee, the grades that all of the graders have set will appear when the marking is shared. 
  • Workflow status: Shows where you and any other graders are in the marking process on each candidate. If you are a member of a committee, workflows may be marked by a number. Hover your mousepointer over to see which grader is in the current process. Workflows can have the following statuses: 
    • Not started: The marking of the candidate has not started.
    • Private: You have started or completed the marking on the candidate, but have not yet confirmed or shared the marking. 
    • Conflicts (only for graders in committees): There are discrepancies in the grades given to the candidate.
    • To confirm (only for graders in committees): You and the co-grader(s) have aligned on the final grade and must confirm the grades. 
    • Pending all to confirm (only for graders in committees): You have confirmed the final grade and are waiting for the remaining grader(s) to confirm. 
    • Confirmed: You have confirmed the marking. If you are a member of a committee, all graders have confirmed the marking. 
  • Final grade: Here the final grade is displayed. The final grade will not appear until the marking is confirmed. If you are a member of a committee, all the graders have to confirm the marking. 
  • Marking status: Status Completed and Not completed shows whether all questions have been marked or not. 
  • Total marks: Displays the total marks given on the test. For automatically marked questions, the total marks will be displayed even before you start the marking. If you are in a committee, the total marks that all the graders have set will be displayed when the marking is shared. 
  • Similarity: Similarity scores are displayed in order from highest to lowest. Hovering over the similarity score will give you the question number, question type, and candidate ID. Click the similarity score to open a report for the question.
    • Displays 5 scores at a time.
    • Click to expand.
    • Once the similarity scores have been expanded, it is not possible to collapse the view again.
  • Committee: Shows which committee the candidates belong to. 
  • Marking deadline: If a marking deadline has been set at test level or at the candidate level, then this will be shown here. 

It is possible to create new lists by pressing the + button to the right of the lists. The columns in the lists can also be changed/edited. Read more about this in the article "Masters lists, filters and search". 


2.3 Table rows

  • Clicking on each row of candidate leads to Candidate in focus workspace where you will find the detail of the candidate's performance.
  • Options for candidates

You can view candidate options by clicking more_options.png Options, next to the candidate. You can also right-click on the candidate to access the same options. 


At the candidate level, you have the following:

  • Open in: Open the candidate in the workflows
    • Overview
    • Marking
    • Results
    • Explanations
  • Quick view submission: See the candidate's submission question by question.
  • View submission in new tab
  • Download and print: Print the candidate's submission with the correct answers indicated on the questions. 
  • Explanation
    • View and edit: Shows the status of the explanation for the selected candidate in the candidate list. Here you can also write and possible send explanations. 

We have our own guide for grader about write and send explanations, and this will cover the process itself. 


3. Results view option

Results view option currently requires activation. This view shows the candidate list (3.1) and the question list (3.2). 

3.1 Candidate list

The candidate list is an overview of the candidates with total marks, grades, and final grade.

Four standard lists have been set up to filter candidates by: All candidates, Ungraded candidates, Flagged candidates and Incomplete marking.  You can edit columns and get options at the candidate level. It is possible to search and filter the lists.

3.2 Question list

The question list shows an overview of the questions for the selected candidate with question name, response (answered or unanswered), marking status, marks on the question, and the question type. 

This list has three standard lists you can filter questions by: All questions, Manually marked and Answered questions.


Candidate in focus

Similar to a cover page of a candidate’s submission, Candidate in focus workspace provides the grading results and the performance breakdown of a candidate. The workspace consists of two sections, Grade and candidate performance data table.

1. Grade section:

1.1 Your grade: A dropdown menu for you to assign a grade
1.2 Grading results: Displays grades, final grade and the total marks awarded to a candidate. 

2. Candidate performance data table 

The table shows an overview of the questions for the selected candidate with question name, response (answered or unanswered), marking status, marks on the question, and the question type.  This list has two standard lists you can filter questions by: All questions, Manually marked and Answered questions.

2.1 Table row: Clicking on a row of question in table leads to the Marking workspace of the candidate's submission in response to the selected question.

*Please note that the current 'Candidate in Focus' workspace is optimized for single-sit assessments only. It is not yet configured to accommodate multiple attempts or assessment path evaluations. We will collaborate with our customers to determine the most valuable candidate-level information for these types of assessments in the future.



In the workspace Marking, you can look at the candidates' submission question by question and mark them. 

The tabs over the question give you the following choices:


  • 120369 / 2: The answer to the selected candidate on the question. Correct answers are also displayed on automatically marked questions. 
  • Question: Here you can see the question as it is given on the test. Correct answers to automatically marked questions will also appear.
  • Attachment: If there is an attachment attached to the candidate you will see this here. PDF will be displayed directly, while other file types can be downloaded and opened in your own application. 
  • Plagiarism: Question types as Essay and Upload Assignment can be checked for plagiarism, and if plagiarism is enabled you will access the plagiarism report here. Read more about plagiarism reports. 

The panel to the right, see image below, shows, among other things, which question type and how many marks the candidate has been given on the automatically marked questions. 


In the candidate's answer you can also do the following:

  1. Write and view comments and annotations on the submission. If a co-grader or a planner on a test has written a comment or annotation, this will be indicated by a speech bubble next to the tab in the selected question.
    Read more about how to see and write comments and annotations.
  2. Marks: Set marks on the question. On automatically marked questions, the marks are automatically calculated. It is possible to override the marks. For manually marked questions, you must set marks yourself (see below). 
  3. Mark scheme: If a mark scheme has been added to the question, it will appear here. 
  4. Question private notes: Write a private note on the question. This is only visible to you and is not shared with anyone. 

For manually marked questions, the marks must be set by you as a grader.


  1. Grade/results: The marks you set will appear to the right of Results. In committees, the result will be displayed for all graders when the marking is shared.
  2. Marks/Grade: Select the number of marks by clicking the arrow pointing down. It is also possible to set a mark with up to two decimals. Instead of selecting marks from the list, type the mark, such as 2.5 or 2,5. 
  3. Word count: For Essay question types, a word count is available. Word count is also available when viewing an essay submission from Monitor or downloading/printing submissions.

Once you have set the marks, the status of the question changes to "Set by you a few seconds ago". 

By clicking Reset, you can reset the marks you have set. 


For more on marking the different question types, see Step 1 of the guides:



The workspace Explanations has the following lists / panels:

  • The candidate list
  • The question list
  • Explanation for candidate: Shows the explanation status for the selected candidate in the candidate list. Here you can also write, record and send explanations. 


Read more about writing, recording and sending explanations in the guide Grader - Write and send explanations



The workspace Questions will give an overview of Question weights and Question assignment


The workspace consists of 1 default list (1). Additional lists can be added by clicking the + icon and then selecting the filter icon.

  • All questions: This is an overview of all the questions viewable to the grader. Note, not all questions will be viewable to the grader if the Planner has enabled the option in setup. 

The 3 filters that you can create additional lists from are:

  • Number: This is the number of the question.
  • Question type: This is the type of question. For example, multiple choice, essay, text entry.
  • Assignments: This is who the question is assigned to in Question assignment. 

The workspace consists of 7 columns (2)

  • Number
  • Question name
  • Question type
  • Assignee
  • Default weight
  • Overridden weight
  • Maximum marks

Getting started

This workspace is a document where you can find the status and information about the marking tool. The document also contains introductory videos for graders, and reference to guides and general documentation. 



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