Planner - Getting started

Dear planner,

Welcome to Marking 2.0! In this document you will find introduction videos and general information about the new tool. If you have more questions, please visit Inspera Help Center / Marking 2.0.  Here you will find the rollout plan, guides, and general documentation about features and workspaces.

Status and information

On April 3rd 2020, Marking 2.0 was released to all customers, as the first step in a long term plan to retire the current grading tool: 

  • Step 1 - Initial launch, April 3rd 2020 (Completed)
  • Step 2 - Feature parity with existing grading tool, end of 2020
  • Step 3 - Marking 2.0 default version in all new tests, 2021 / TBD
  • Step 4 - Current grading tool no longer available, 2022 / TBD

After April 3rd 2020, graders will not get access to the new tool unless manually enabled by planners in each test. Once enabled, Marking 2.0 will be selected by default when opening the test, but the existing tool will still be available at all times to both planners and graders. To enable Marking 2.0 on a larger scale, we recommend using templates.

Under development

Most features are now available, some are being worked on, and others won’t be available until later this year. In the meantime, you can to combine using the classic grading tool and Marking 2.0 any way you want. By April 3rd 2020, the following features are still not available in Marking 2.0: 

  • Oral exams
  • Moderation
  • Threshold value editor
  • Contributor list
  • Access to test details (Start, end time, etc)
  • Manual sync actions for FS and Ladok
  • Ability for graders to view candidates across committees
  • Alerts about missing graders / committees

Known issues upon release 3rd April 2020

  • Header: Slightly misleading workflow status for single graders and planners in some test configurations.
  • Lists: Search and filters, and action to confirm individual candidates should be more prominent.

Transition on your own terms

We fully understand that replacing an existing tool and routine isn’t always simple to manage on your side. This is why the original tool will remain available for two more years, at least. We still encourage planners to enable the new marking tool on selected tests and organise limited testing during this spring. 

Best regards, 

Jiqing and the Inspera Marking team


Introduction videos for graders


Articles in this section

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