Dashboard Interface


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Dashboard Header

The header provides essential functionalities and modules. The visibility of these modules is role-based, ensuring that users have access to the tools they need while maintaining security and organization. The visibility of these modules depends on the user's role within the organization. Below is an overview of each module:

Dashboard header.png

1. Home

Home acts as the central hub, providing quick access to the dashboard’s main features and an overview of recent activities.

2. Author

Author is the module where users with the Author role can create content such as questions, question sets, and rubrics.

3. Deliver

The Deliver module is where users with the Planner role can create tests and assessments.

4. Monitor

The Monitor module allows users with the Invigilator and/or Chief Invigilator role to use tools to track and monitor the performance, progress, and engagement of candidates.

5. Grade

The Grade module is where Graders and Planners find an overview tests that they are added as contributors to. In this module, Graders can assess and grade submitted work, tests, or assessments. Planners can also get an overview of the assessment process itself by using Marking 2.0.

6. Report

The Report module generates metrics on tests where the grading is completed. Each test with the status "Graded" will get a report with the following metrics: 

  • Name of the tests and question set used in the test
  • Test start and end time (including duration if used on the test)
  • Number of candidates added to the test
  • Number of candidates who have submitted
  • Number of candidate who didn't submit
  • Number of candidate who never started the test
  • A probability density curve of the final grades (if a grading scale has been used)
    • Note: There is no probability density curve for tests with marks only as final result

To have access to Report the user must have the Reporter role.

7. Notifications

Notifications displays important notifications and alerts that require the user’s attention, including allowing users to change their notification settings. Please see Manage Language, Profile and Notification Settings for more information. 

8.  Settings

Settings provides access to the options Edit Profile and Languages. Please see Manage Language, Profile and Notification Settings for more information. 

Users with the Administrator role will also have access to User Administration where they can change and create new users.


Candidate and Events widgets

Candidate and Events widgets.png

For more information about the Candidate and Events widgets, please see the article Create a candidate or event widget on your Dashboard.

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