This is available for Planners.

Inspera Resilience Proctoring (IRP) is Inspera's proctoring solution and works in unison with the browser lockdown, Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB). When enabling IP, you can choose from a variety of proctoring options such as video, record, and screen.




How to enable Inspera Integrity Browser and Inspera Resilience Proctoring

Step 1: Enable Inspera Integrity Browser

1. In the Delivery module, navigate to the Security options.

2. Click Safe Exam Browser for PC and Mac > Advanced options > Enable Inspera Integrity Browser.

3. Set your Invigilator Password and SEB Password.

4. Choose a Security Policy. Select the Security Policy drop-down menu for the following options:

  • Strict
  • Moderate
  • Open
  • None

5. To enable Assistive Technologies in Moderate, click Enable Assistive Technologies.

If candidates have multiple tests that they need to complete simultaneously, it is recommended that you do not choose the option to Automatically close lockdown browser when test is completed. If candidates have other tests in their dashboard they can access, they'll be able to take those while in IIB.


Step 2: Enable Inspera Resilience Proctoring

1. To activate record and review proctoring, choose Automated Proctoring and select a Recording option.

2. Select a Recording option.

The permissible combinations are:

  • Video only
  • Screen only*
  • Video and Screen
  • Video and Audio
  • Screen and Audio
  • Video, screen, and audio (default)

*When Screen only is enabled for automated proctoring, the following steps in IIB flow are disabled to not require access to the camera and microphone:

  1. Camera/Mic page
  2. Photo page
  3. ID page

Explanation of test options

Candidate sign-in options

When creating a sign-in option for candidates, you can pick one of the following options:

It is not possible to choose a combination of the two sign-ins per test, or across separate tests. Sign-in options are currently decided within the tenant level and not on the test level, it is not possible to combine sign-in options at this time.  


Security options


When Safe Exam Browser for PC and Mac is enabled, you will need to set the following passwords:

  • Invigilator password: The Invigilator password cannot exceed 8 characters.
  • SEB password: Also known to candidates as the SEB Pin, can be a maximum of 8 characters containing at least one letter and number. Other language characters than English are not supported, only printable ASCII characters.

Security Policy

A Security Policy determines how strict the lockdown outcome is for candidates, and how the monitoring outcome behaves in the lockdown browser (IIB). You can choose between four different Security Policies:

  • None
  • Open
  • Moderate
  • Strict

To learn more about each Security Policy and how it interacts with monitoring and the lockdown browser, go to the Security Policies page.

Allow candidates to change wifi

This is a useful option if there are several wifi networks at your location. If the candidate loses connection to a wifi network, they can switch to another wifi without leaving IIB.

Note that because of different limitations on MacOS and Windows, they can behave differently depending on whether the candidates use IIB on Mac or on a Windows computer.

  • Mac: The candidate can change freely between all available wifi networks.
  • Windows: The wifi network must be known to the computer, meaning that the candidate must have been connected to it before. Only known wifi networks will appear in the network list within SEB.


Using screen readers throughout the test is made possible by enabling Assistive Technologies

The following screen readers are allowed with Assistive technologies:

  • Narrator
  • VoiceOver
  • JAWS

The option to Enable Assistive Technologies is only available in the Moderate Security Policy. In the Open and None Security Policy, assistive technologies are automatically available for candidates to utilize. In the Strict Security Policy, assistive technologies are ignored. 





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