Create A Question

Available for Author.

The basics of authoring a question remain the same regardless of the question type you are authoring. Every question type has a title and a question editor. In Inspera Assessment, you can create questions in the context of a question set, or independently of the question set. 


How to create a question

Create new question

  1.  Select the Author module > Questions.
  2. Click Create new.
  3. Choose a question type.


Choose question type

When you create a question, you will be presented will all the different question types available on your Inspera Assessment tenancy. You can select the question type you want to start authoring a question.

The following Question types are available:

Information: Inspera Assessment offers 24 types of questions, 15 of which are automatically marked, 7 require manual marking, and 2 are not marked. Question types that are not marked, don't have the choice to set marks. 

How to edit a question

Once you select the question type, you will enter the question's edit mode:Oppgave_4_EN.png

The options associated with each question type vary. To make the question design as simple as possible, the layout and logic behind the question types are the same:

1. Question title

The Question title will appear at the top when viewing the question.

Tip: Your questions can be used in different question sets, and both questions and question sets can be reused and copied over time. We suggest you include information about the topic within the question title. Example: "GEO100 autumn 2020 - Ice age", or "Ice age 2020".

2. Language Settings

Define the language of the question. For more information, read Translate Questions and Question Sets. 

3. Preview

Click mceclip0.png Preview to see a preview of a question. For more information, read Preview questions and test correct answers.  

4. Save and Close

In edit mode, changes are not saved automatically. Therefore, it is important to save along the way. Clicking Save will save the question without leaving the editor. Clicking Save & Close allows you to exit editing mode. 

5. Question text

This is a free text area with a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor and the beginnings of the question type itself. The toolbar above allows you to add math (LaTeX), files, tables, links, PDFs, images, videos, and audio clips to the text area.

6. Response area

The response area is where candidates give their answers. The response area is positioned equally across the question types, but the interactions vary. In this example, the answer area consists of four alternatives, one of which is correct. If you click in the answer area, the panel on the right will give you options and settings for this. The possibilities you have here depend on the question type. 

7. General options

If the cursor is in the question text, you will get four general choices in the right panel: 

  • Marks: For manually marked questions, the maximum achievable marks should be defined. For automatically marked questions, there are various marking options. For more information, see these pages:  Question scoring - Basic and Question scoring - Advanced.
  • Mark scheme: Add a scheme for the graders to use in the grading process
  • Main illustration: Insert illustrative media into the heading of the questions.
  • PDF panel: Add a PDF document that will be displayed along with the question for the candidate. 
  • LabelsAdd labels to mark your questions, such as specific topics.

To learn more about General options, visit our Help Center article General options for questions.

Clicking on the interactive element (candidate's response area) will display other selections in the right panel specific to the selected question type





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