Planner - guide to overall marking overview

This guide is about how you as a planner can get an overview of the marking process. 

The guide is based on that two graders in one committee mark the test with the workflow "Private marking and results alignment" and that all graders are required to confirm. The overview itself will be the same regardless of the number of graders and committees. 


Table of content


The header

At the right of the top menu, you can see the status of the marking process. You can monitor how far in the marking process the test is at any time. Read more about Header for planner.


Get an overview of the marking

The workspace Overview gives you an overview of the status of the graders marking and the actual marking of the candidates. 


1 - The workspace consists of four lists that you can sort the candidates by. 

  • All candidates: Shows all of the candidates.
  • Marking not started: Candidates where the marking has not started.
  • In progress: Candidates where the marking has started.
  • Confirmed: Candidates whose marking is confirmed by the grader(s). 

2 -  The column Workflow status shows where the graders are in their marking. The column may contain the following statuses:

  • Not started: None of the graders have started the marking. 
  • Private: One or more of the graders have started the marking, but have not yet shared it. 
  • Pending all to share: One or more of the graders have shared the marking, and are waiting for the remaining one to share.
  • Conflicts: The graders have shared the marking and there are differences between the grades
  • To confirm:  The graders have shared the marking and have set the same grades. The marking is now awaiting to be confirmed. 
  • Confirmed: The graders have confirmed the marking, and the marking is done. 

The number behind the status shows how many graders the workflow applies to. By hovering the mouse pointer, you can see the status of the current graders.

3 - The column Grades is updated as the graders set grades. B / - indicates that one grader has rated B, while B / B indicates that both graders have set the grade B. 


Review the results

The workspace Results show the main lists with a detailed overview of the results of the candidates and the marking process at the candidate level. 


1 - The candidate list consists of two lists; All candidates and Grade not set. These two lists provide an overview of the candidate with total marks, grades, and final grades. The Final grade column will only have content when all of the graders have shared the marking, and there are no conflicts between the grades.

By selecting a candidate in the list, you can take a closer look at the marking of the candidate's questions in the 2) question list. 

2 - The question list consists of the lists All questions and Manually marked, and shows, among other things, an overview of the status of the marking at question level and marks that have been set. 

There are three marking statuses on question level:

  • Marked: The question is marked (applies to automatically marked questions).
  • Marked [2]: By hovering your mouse pointer over, you can see that the number, and in this example both of the graders have marked the question (applies to manually marked questions).
  • Not marked: One or none of the graders have marked the question. By hovering your mouse pointer over, you can see which grader(s) that may have marked and which grader(s) that not have marked the question.

The column Marks shows how many marks the candidate has received. For manually marked questions, the marks that all of the graders have set are displayed. 

More detailed information about the candidate and question list can be found in the article Feature: Candidate and question list.


See marking on question level

The workspace Marking allows you to look at the marking questions by questions, candidate by candidate.

The footer allows you to navigate between questions and candidates. See the article about the Footer


1 -  In the question panel, scroll through the following tabs:

  • Candidate number/question number: Displays what the selected candidate has answered to the selected question. Correct answers are also shown on automatically marked questions. In this tab, you can also see if comments or annotations have been written on the question. For questions where comments or annotations have been written, a speech bubble will appear. The number indicates how many comments or annotations have been written. mceclip2.png
  • Question: View the question as it was given to the candidates. Correct answers are also displayed on automatically marked questions. 
  • Attachment: This shows if there is an attachment with the submission. 
  • Similarity: View and/or order Similarity reports. Read more about Similarity reports.

2 - View and write annotations and comments on the question. Read more about reading and writing annotations and comments.

3 - Displays the question type and the result in marks on the question. For automatically marked questions, the marks will be displayed. For manually marked questions, the result will be "Private" without marks until the marking is shared by the graders.


Get an overview of the explanations

The workspace Explanations overview provides an overview of which candidates have requested an explanation and the status of the explanations. 


We have a separate guide to explanations for planners, and this will cover the actual process or workflow. 


Look at explanations

On the workspace Explanations, you can see the following lists/panels:

  • The candidate list: Gives an overview of whether the candidate has requested an explanation or not. You can sort the candidates by the following lists: All candidates, Explanation requested, Ready, and Sent. 
  • Question panel: Look at the given answer for the selected candidate at the question level. In the question panel, you can also view and/or write annotations and comments. 
  • Candidate explanation: Provides the explanation status for the selected candidate in the candidate list. Here you can also manage the explanation for the selected candidate. 

We have our own guide to explanations for planners, and this will cover the actual process or workflow. 


Get an overview of the appeals process

The workspace Appeals overview gives an overview of the candidates who have submitted an appeal and will have a new marking, as well as the workflow and status of the new marking. 

TBA: There will be a separate guide covering the appeals and the appeals process. 


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