Available for Author. This feature requires activation.
See also the following related articles:
Import questions Step-by-step
Note: Imported questions should be tested by previewing the question in the Author module. This step is to ensure that your mark settings are working properly. To do this, preview your question > click Check answer.
- Go to the Author module, then Questions or Question sets. Whatever you choose here, the import option is available for both questions and question sets later on.
- Click the action drop-down menu, and Import QTI.
- The maximum number of characters in the title is 400. If it exceeds this, then the import will fail and the user will see a warning that the title is too long. The number of characters in the title should be reduced before trying again.
- The maximum number of characters in the title is 400. If it exceeds this, then the import will fail and the user will see a warning that the title is too long. The number of characters in the title should be reduced before trying again.
- Upload the file (QTI 2.1 and 2.2 is supported). The file can be of the types zip or xlsx.
Note: Zip files are usually visible by default, but if you want to import an xlsx file you may need to change settings to be able to choose that type. This depends on what computer or browser you use. - Choose Update existing (Default) or Create new, and then Import now.
- An import summary will be shown. This will show if the import generated a question set, the number of sections (if any), and the number of questions. The import status are summarised, and you can go directly to the question set in the list, or choose to show the imported questions by clicking Show in list.
If you are importing questions only - you can create a question set as part of the process by clicking Create question set with questions after the import is completed. The question set will be created with the same name as the file you imported.
Looking for technical background of the input format? Visit our Help Center article IMS QTI support.
Information: If you import an Excel file with questions, a question set named "excel2qti" will always be generated even when you import one question.
Note: As it is not possible to update existing question sets by importing new questions, any question set you create will only contain the questions in the current import. If you want to add the new questions to an existing question set, they have to be added manually to the question set after import.