Question type - Numeric Entry


The default behaviour is that Numeric Entry accepts both comma and point as decimal separator, but comma will be transformed to a point when the response is stored. For more information, see the Candidate Experience section. 

 If you want the candidates to use a point as decimal separator only, please contact the Service Desk.


Automatically marked question.

The question is answered by typing a numeric value.

Numerical Entry is a question type where the candidates can answer the question by entering only a number or number value. If a candidate enters letters, an error message will appear.


Numerical Entry question layout

In the question's edit mode, you can do the following: 


  1. Replace text with desired question text.
  2. Add math (LaTex), files, tables, links, PDF, images and/or audio clips to the question text.
  3. Insert multiple interaction elements by clicking on +Insert
  4. Set general options for the question type. For more information, refer to the general options for questions article.

Marks: For more information about question marking, refer to the Question scoring - Basic and Question scoring - Advanced articles.


Specific options

Clicking on the interaction element gives you specific options for the question type.


Correct answers

In this option, you can define the correct number range for the answer. If you want the answer to be a single number, just enter the same number in the lower and upper bound. 


Select the number of decimals and the length of the interaction field.

  • Maximum number of decimals: Set a maximum limit on the number of decimals. This option will allow the candidate to write numbers with the number of decimals that are fewer or equal to what is set. If a candidate enters more decimals than what is set, the candidate will receive the message "Too many decimals".
  • Expected length (characters): Select the length of the selected interaction element. The length is chosen by entering the number of expected characters to be answered by the candidate. 
    Note: This will not prevent the candidate from writing more characters than what is set. If desired, use "Limit number of characters allowed to field width".
  • Restrict number of characters to input width: Sets the maximum allowable candidate input to the same length as the input width. 
    Note: Make sure that this is greater or equal to the number of characters in the correct answer. If it is shorter, the candidate will not be able to answer correctly.


External identifier

For more information, refer to the general options for questions article.


Candidate Experience

The default behaviour of decimal separators is that both comma and point are allowed, but comma will be transformed to a point when the response is stored. Candidates will see the decimal separator as a point when they navigate back to a question they have already answered, or when they view their submission after the test. 

Example where comma and point are allowed in Numeric Entry.gif

If your organisation wants to enforce decimal point instead of comma as a decimal separator in this question type, please contact the Service Desk for activation. 

Please be aware of the following when enforcing decimal point as decimal separator:

Enforcement of decimal point in Numeric Entry.png

  • An additional message will be displayed to users if they enter too many decimals.

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