Incompatible test settings with Inspera Recorded, Record & Review, and Live Proctoring

Information: Inspera Recorded, Record & Review, and Live Proctoring is require activation. If you would like to find out more, please ask your Inspera account manager.

This article is for Planners.

To provide Planners with a clear and simplified view of the Test Setup screen, only settings compatible with proctoring are displayed. Below is a list of settings that are not compatible with this type of proctored test.

Read more on how to set up a proctored test.

Incompatible settings that are hidden when creating a test with Inspera Recorded, Record & Review, and Live Proctoring:

Note: all subsettings of these incompatible settings will also be hidden
Section in Deliver Incompatible setting
Setup Late submissions
Multiple attempts
General settings Oral exam
Grading only
Auto submissions
Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB)
Inspera Lockdown for Chromebooks
Require Invigilator Password
ID check
Require Day Password
Setup > Candidates >  Manage

Group Submission

Create new test > Demo

Demo tests

Create new test > Assessment Path

Assessment Paths


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