Submit a service request (activation of features, order reports, etc.)

Information: A service request is for requesting a change in your service, such as activation of features or requesting a new user for service desk.

Submitting service requests is available for pre-registered users who are registered as a contact who is authorised to order changes. (See Contact types in Inspera Help Center for more information.)


How to submit a service request


Tip: The more detailed information you provide from the start, the faster the request can be processed.


Request information 

What kind of service are you requesting?

Select from the following drop down menu options:

  • Activate/deactivate standard features
  • Order premium functionality from Service Catalogue
  • Register new user to Service Desk
  • Order setup of integrations
  • Order data export
  • Order extended support outside normal office hours
  • Order participation in Beta projects


Please include as much information as possible in the description field. Depending on the type of service request you are making, you might include: 

  • The name of the feature you would like activated including the name of the relevant marketplace / tenant(s).
  • Name, email address, phone number of a user that you would like added to the service desk and what types of permissions they should have (see Contact types in Inspera Help Center).
  • Date, start and end times for a request of support outside of normal hours.


Where applicable, include attachments. These can be short videos or screen shots. Please include the full computer screen in the shot, including the URL, task bar and date/clock. 

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