Planner - workflow actions in Marking 2.0

When you are a planner on a test you will have several options for managing the marking process. This article will describe the options available for the grader workflows. 

The graders will manage these steps themselves, but some situations may require that the planner manages some of the steps on behalf of the graders. This ensures flexibility in the marking process. The planner can move both forward and backward in the workflow.

Graders on a test follow the workflow that is selected in the test creation phase. If the test has committees, different workflows can be set for each committee. In this article we will describe the possible planner actions for each workflow.

For tests with committees, you as a planner must select the committee for the options to become available. 

If the prerequisites for a specific workflow action are not met, the action will not be shown. In other words, only the actions that are allowed will be available to select. 


Where to find the workflow actions

When general workflow is set to Confirm all candidates at once, the workflow actions for planner are available in the options menu in the header. The top section in the options menu will show the available workflow options. 



When general workflow is set to Confirm each candidate individually, the workflow actions are available for each candidate in the Overview workspace. You can access them by clicking on the three dots to the far right on the candidate row, or by right-clicking on the candidate row.



Workflow Private marking and results alignment

Before graders have shared their private marking

In this workflow the graders will mark the candidates privately at first, and then share their results with co-graders. Until all graders have shared their private marking, the planner can bypass private marking on behalf of the graders. This is possible to do even if a grader has not marked their candidates, i.e. no marks or grades are set for either all, or some of the candidates.

  • None of the graders have shared their private marking - planner can bypass private marking.
  • Some of the graders have shared their private marking - planner can bypass private marking.
    • Bypassing private marking will move the graders to the next workflow step, which is to align their results. 

After graders have shared their private marking

In the results alignment step, the planner can confirm grades on behalf of graders. The prerequisite is the same for planners as it is for graders - all conflicts are resolved. 

  • Applies when workflow is set to confirm all candidates at once
    • All results are aligned - planner can confirm grades on behalf of the graders.

  • Applies when workflow is set to confirm each candidate individually
    • All results are aligned - planner can confirm grades on behalf of the graders.
    • All results are aligned - planner can go back to private marking (unshare).
    • Unresolved conflicts - planner can go back to private marking (unshare).
      • If there are conflicts, this will be visible in the header:
        Once these conflicts are resolved, the option to confirm on behalf of the graders will be available in the overview workspace. 

When graders have confirmed final grades

Finally, when grades are confirmed, there is a last option available.

  • The final grades are confirmed - planner can reopen marking.


Workflow Shared marking

When shared marking is selected in the test setup, the planner will have less options. Shared marking means that there are no private marks, and when a grader sets marks or grades, they do so on behalf of all co-graders. 

  • The planner can confirm the marking on behalf of the graders at any time
  • When marking is confirmed, the planner can reopen marking

When Shared marking is enabled, planners will also have the option to turn on Question assignment. The planner can give the following permissions to graders:

  • Graders can view and mark all questions
  • Graders can view all questions, but only mark own questions
  • Graders can only view and mark own questions
  • Graders can not assign questions
  • Graders can assign questions



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