The header in Marking 2.0 (planner)

The header contains several different types of information and actions, and these will be described in this article.  The header looks similar to the grader version, which also has a button for what is the next step in the workflow for each committee. 

In this article, the header is divided into a left and a right part, and we will go through the different parts. 

Table of contents


Left part of the header


1 - This is the name of the test, and the ID number of the candidate you are currently viewing, or was last viewing. 

2 - Contextual information

Here you see your name and what user roles you have in context of the test. On the print screen we can see that Linn has the role planner on the test. We can also see that Linn has chosen to see candidates from Committee 1. 

For tests without committees, the only information here is name and role.

For tests with committees, either the name of the committee or All Committees will be shown, depend on what you have chosen to view.


The committee selector

For tests with more than one committee: By clicking on the committee name or All Committees, a new window (committee selector) opens., which gives you information about the committees. Here you can see the status on the committees and how many graders there are in each, the number of submissions, marking deadline (if set), your role in the committee and which workflow that applies. 


By clicking on Show members you will get an overview of the graders in the committee. This overview contains the name and email address for the grader, and information about last login. In this overview you can also send a new invitation email to the graders.

If you want to see results for only one committee, click on that committee.  You will then be sent back to the workspace Overview and on this you will see the candidates form the selected committee.

More information about how this is structured can be found in the planner's guide to overview of the marking process

To return to see all candidates in all committees, or to select a different committee, click on the same location in the header, where you can select a specific committee, or view all committees. 


The right part of the header


1. The status of the marking process

Here you can at any time monitor where in the marking process the test is. If the test is not open for marking it will be stated here, either in the form of a warning with explanatory text, or by being informed that the test is still open. 


In this case, there are candidates who have submitted, but are not assigned to a committee. 

As the graders complete their marking, the percentage will update. This is what this part of the header looks like during the marking.



Synchronisation with external systems

For tests that are connected to an external system (FS, PCG or others), there will be an extra button in the header for synchronisation options. This button allows you to see the status and to synchronise the test directly from the marking tool.



2. The Options menu

In this menu there are a number of options for the planner, divided into three main categories. 

You will find options related to committee workflows, download submissions and results, as well as shortcuts to other actions you may need as a planner.



Here you will find available actions for the selected committee and for test without committees. 


Bypass private marking will be available until all of the committee's graders have shared their private marking. This menu will at all times show the choices available to the committee where they are in the marking process. That is, you can also approve final grade on behalf of the graders, or reopen the marking. 

Select committee gives you the same committee selector as described  in the left part of the header above.

If you have not selected a committee, the workflow actions will be disabled. Select a committee first.





Note that the options which are available depend on the settings and additional functionality you have enabled. 




Here you will find useful shortcuts.

  • View Question Set as candidate takes you to the questions as the candidate viewed them during the test.
  • View Question Set with correct answers shows the same, but also has the indicators for correct answers to automatically marked questions. 
  • Candidates in Monitor opens the candidate list on the test. This can be useful if you need to do other administrative actions, such as open for resubmission for candidates, allocate candidates in committee or in connection with administration of explanations. 
  • Open test in Deliver opens the test in the marking tool in a new tab.
  • Invite grader takes you directly to the test tool, and the dialog for adding graders. This does not apply to tests connected to FS.
  • Manage contributors takes you directly to the test tool and the dialog to manage contributors. 
  • Manage committees takes you directly to the committee overview in the test tool, where you can change workflow and add, remove, or change graders. 


3. Switch to original tool

If you want to return to the original marking tool, you can do so here.

Click on the arrows in the header to switch to the original marking tool. You can always return to the new marking tool at any time by clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the test in the original tool. 

Hover the mouse pointer over the arrows and you will see this box:


If you click on Got it, this box will not appear in the future. 


4. Profile

Here you will find information about your own profile, language settings, logout option, and links to the Help Center. 


5. Details panel

The details panel contains event logs related to the test, candidate or question. The details panel can be expanded from the right side of the screen in the grading module, regardless which workspace you are in, and it is meant to provide the user with easier accessible information on current candidate, question, or test without having to navigate to a different workspace.



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