InsperaScan - Ladda ner och skriv ut sidor för handskrift

Candidates can write their submissions on sketch sheets, which will later be scanned and imported into Inspera Assessment by using the InsperaScan software. 


Download and print sketch sheets

Templates for the printing sketch sheets in Norwegian and English can be found here:

For Swedish/English and English only templates, see Attachments.

You can order sketch sheets from a preferred printing company to be used for InsperaScan 1.0 (Scantron) and InsperaScan 2.0.


Specifications for the sketch sheets

  • Paper size: A4
  • Paper quality: 90 - 100gsm
  • 5 mm left margin for the black lines (important)
Note: The scanner software is sensitive, and the printed sheets have to be exactly right to scan and register correctly. 


Inspera cannot guarantee that your own prints of sketch sheets are scanned properly and that they can be processed by InsperaScan. This is dependent on the printer and print settings. Further, this needs to be tested by your organization. We advise you to set up procedures to make sure that your own sketch sheets are printed in a high enough quality so that they may be scanned and processed by InsperaScan.

Please note that InsperaScan is also dependent on the thickness of the paper. If you are certain that your printer settings are correct, but InsperaScan is giving you errors, please try again using a thicker piece of paper.



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