Installation of InsperaScan 1.0 (Scantron)

Install the software

Download the software through the URL which you have received from Inspera. If you have not received the URL, contact Service Desk or your Inspera contact. 

Unzip the file. The zip file contains three folders:  

  • Scantron-driver installation
  • ScanToolPluss installation
  • InsperaScan installation


Step 1 - Install the Scantron driver

  1. Open Setup.exe from "Driver Installation" folder.
    Follow the instructions on the screen. 
  2. Select scanner: "iNSIGHT 20 PLUSS"
    Complete the calibration procedure by selecting "Run calibration" and follow the instructions. 
Note: You do not need to connect the scanner at this time.  


Step 2 - Install ScanToolPluss

Open Scantoolplussruntime.exe from "Scantoolpluss Installation" folder.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
When done, the window closes and no messages are displayed.  


Step 3 - Install InsperaScan

Open Setup.exe from "InsperaScan Installation" folder.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
When the installation is complete, you can open InsperaScan.

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