InsperaScan 1.0 (Scantron) - How-to guide for scanning

In this article will tell you how to use InsperaScan 1.0 on a PC to scan sketches for uploading to Inspera Assessment.


Recommended workflow for InsperaScan 1.0

Please make sure Invigilators or other on-site staff follows the recommended workflow here:

Its possible to scan a whole stack of sketches. These will automatically be added to the correct question and candidate in Inspera Assessment. When possible, we recommend scanning the sketches from each candidate separately and marking on the cover sheet when the scanning is complete for that candidate.


Workflow for scanning sketches

  1. Ready scanner
  2. Check configurations in InsperaScan
  3. Put sketches in the scanner
  4. Create a new folder
  5. Start scanning
  6. Review the scanned files
  7. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for next candidate 


1. Ready the scanner

  • Open InsperaScan on your computer
  • Turn on the scanner (flip switch on the under side)


2. Check the configurations in InsperaScan

  • Open Scanner -> Configuration


3. Put sketches into the scanner

  • White side of the sketches up
  • Top of sketch into the scanner
Note: Inspera will place the various sketches on the correct candidate, test and question. It will therefore be possible to scan sketches from different candidates and test at the same time. If the candidates have several sketches per question, it will still be desirable to have them scanned in the correct order. 


4. Create a new folder

  1.  Press "New Session" to create a new folder for the scanned files
  2. For example, the name may be the subject code or today's date 



5. Start scanning

  1. Press "Scan" to start scanning
  2. All the sketches placed in the scanner will be scanned. Then the scanner stops
  3. Add another stack to the scanner and press "Resume" to continue the scanning process


6. Review after scan is complete

The candidate may have filled in the code incorrectly. Scantron therefore has a built in tool for capturing error and correcting the file name for that sketch. Scantron will flag a sketch if:

  • the candidate forgot to mark one or more digits on a sketch.
  • the candidate marked two or more digits in the same column.
  • any marking is incomplete/unreadable.

Press the review button to see a list of all the sketches. These errors will show up as (*) in the sketch number. By selecting the sketch it's possible to see a preview of the candidates sketch and manually filling in the correct digits.

  1. Press "Review" to start the review processInsperaScan_3.PNG
  2. Check the sketch numbers. Any errors are marked as (*)InsperaScan_4.PNG
  3. Manually fill in the incorrect digitsInsperaScan_5.PNG
  4. Press "OK"


7. Scanning complete?

After all the sketches have been scanned the scanning is complete. Press "Finish session" and the folder containing all the sketches will open.InsperaScan_6.PNG






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