How can I submit a request and follow my submitted requests?

To submit a request to support, you are required to have a pre-registered user login. 

If you do not have an account with Inspera, but would like to submit a request, please ask your local Inspera contact person. 




How can I submit requests?


If you are a registered user, you have the option to raise requests to our Service Desk.

  1. Go to
  2. At the top right of the page, click Submit a request.
  3. Sign in with your user, if you aren’t already signed in.
  4. You will be presented with a dropdown of the following choices:
    • Support requests (questions, general help, etc.)
    • Incident (report incidents/faults)
    • Service request (activation of features, order reports, etc.)

Your choice here will determine the rest of the fields you have to fill out.


Submit an incident/fault


The more accurate the information provided is, the higher the chance is for incident recreation, swift response, and corrective actions.

  • CC Email address
  • Incident severity
  • Subject
  • Description
  • Test URL/name 
    •  The test URL or test name can also be referred to as the ARID (assessment run ID). The ARID is the numerical value at the end of the test URL. For example,

  • Candidate ID
  • Attachments

Incident severity

This determines the response time and is broken down into three categories:

  1. Urgent: All material parts of the Services are unavailable, putting exam delivery at risk. E.g. significant number of students are unable to log in while the exam is underway.
  2. High: Certain time-critical functions do not work or have response times that are materially inferior to what has been agreed between the parties. E.g. content creation workflow is broken.
  3. Normal: Non-time critical functions do not work, longer response times than agreed between the parties. E.g. admin user experiences a bug but is able to work around it.


Submit a support request

The more detailed information you prove from the start, the faster the request can be processed. 

  • CC Email address
  • Subject header
  • Test URL/name 
    •  The test URL or test name can also be referred to as the ARID (assessment run ID). The ARID is the numerical value at the end of the test URL. For example,

  • Candidate ID
  • Description
  • Attachments


Submit a service request

The more detailed information you prove from the start, the faster the request can be processed. 

  • CC Email address
  • What kind of service are you requesting
  • Subject header
  • Description
  • Attachments


Submit an improvement suggestion

The more detailed information you prove from the start, the faster the request can be processed. 

  • CC Email address
  • Subject header
  • Description
  • Who the target user is (teacher, planner, grader, etc)
  • Frequency of issue
  • Description on impact
  • Current solution/workaround
  • Attachments


How are support tickets followed up?


Tickets can be followed up in two ways:

  1. You will receive e-mails when a ticket is updated, and you can respond to these e-mails to update the ticket.
  2. Log in to the Help Center, click on your name at the top right, and click My activities.

Within the My activities page, you can see all your tickets, and if your organization allows it - the tickets from all members of the organization. You can search for a specific request, and you can filter requests based on status.




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