Deleting admin users

This is available for Administrators.


How to delete a user

Deleting the user account will permanently remove them from Inspera Assessment. This action cannot be undone.

  1. Navigate to the Inspera Assessment homepage.
  2. Click  settings.png Settings User administration.
  3. Choose the user to be deleted and click Delete.
  4. Accept the user agreement and click Delete user.



Information about the deleted user

  • Any content produced by the deleted user will be marked with deleted user.
  • It will take a few minutes for the user to be completely deleted and all lists to be updated.
  • A deleted grader will also be removed as a contributor on tests.
  • Any gradesmarks, and private comments added by the deleted grader can no longer be accessed by anyone. Any annotations added by the deleted grader will no longer be visible for the candidate.
  • Explanations added by the deleted grader will remain.

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