Tenant configuration dashboard


In January 2025 we introduced a new administrator dashboard that enhances visibility into tenant configurations. It provides a curated view of tenant settings, including descriptions, default values, and tenant-specific values, addressing the previous lack of insight into on-demand offerings. This dashboard improves transparency and empowers customers to easily view their configurations.

Table of contents

What to expect

The Dashboard contains a read only list with available configurations. Keep in mind that the list is not a complete list of every setting in Inspera Assessment, and some configurations cannot be included for technical reasons. Our aim is to include configurations that will provide relevant insight and value. 

The list is mainly focused on features, and adjustment to features. The content is decided by Inspera and it will regularly change to include future features and related settings. There are some settings that are not included in the list yet, the main reason is that they need some more work before they are ready to be included. This will in particular apply to IIB settings, but also other areas. 

This article will be continuously updated to reflect future changes and improvements in the dashboard.

Access to the dashboard

A user administrator can assign the role Tenant administrator to any users requiring access. Only users with this role will be able to access the Dashboard.

  • The new tenant administrator role must be assigned to all users that require access, including those who had access prior to the February release.
  • The role cannot be assigned when creating/updating users via our APIs. This capability will be added later.

How to use the dashboard

Find the dashboard

The dashboard can be found in the cogwheel menu at the top right:


Dashboard contents

In the list you will find the following columns:

  • Unnamed column - visual status indicator for the setting
  • Name
  • Default value
  • Value (this refers to the specific value set for this tenant)
  • Documentation link


Click on the rows to get a view that includes a description. This description will in most cases be identical to the name, but some settings have additional information on requirements and other available options.


Download to Excel

The configurations can be downloaded to Excel.

There is a small issue with the format of the Excel file - you might get an error message that the file format and extension don't match. The file can be opened regardless, and we are working to add a fix for this as soon as possible. 


On the left hand side there is a search field.


Searching here will yield results from both name and description. Click on 'Show all' to clear the search, and go back to the full list. Removing the search string will also return the full list.

Request changes to settings

This works like it normally does - please contact Service Desk to request changes. 



  • The content of the list will be provided in English only
  • The list is read only

Future improvements

  • Various updates and improvements to the user interface
  • Categorisation of features
  • More quick filters
  • These and other improvements will be announced in release notes

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