Question editor toolbar

Available for Authors.

The Question editor toolbar is located within the Question editor, above the free text area.


Question editor toolbar

You can add math (LaTeX), files, tables, links, PDFs, images, videos, and audio clips to the text area. Every question type has a Question editor. This is a free text area with a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor as well as the beginnings of the question type itself.


  • Undo
  • Redo

Normal operating system shortcuts will work (ctrl-z) but if you prefer clicking buttons, they can be used here.

Text decoration 

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Subscript
  • Superscript
  • Numbered list
  • Bulleted list
    • Decrease indent (Activated with use of Bulleted list)
    • Increase indent (Activated with use of Bulleted list)
  • Remove Format (Requires activation)

LaTeX (requires activation) 

If enabled on your tenancy, you can also write in LaTeX. There are two options when writing in LaTex, depending on how confident you are with writing in the language. The two options are interchangeable allowing you to use either as you see fit.

LaTex Mode mceclip3.png

  • Toggle math render modes

If you click { } LaTeX Mode, you can write your LaTeX code directly into the question editor alongside normal text. It will not render automatically though. Instead, it will appear alongside normal text in its raw form.

Once you've finished authoring the question, highlight each LaTeX section and click LaTex. That will designate it as LaTeX code to be rendered. Clicking the LaTex Mode again (turning it off) will then render all the flagged LaTex code.

LaTeX Mode is beneficial if you're confident in writing in LaTeX and don't want to interrupt the flow of writing by frequently going in and out of the Math editor.

Math mceclip4.png

  • Math

The Math button is another way of inserting LaTex into a question type. Clicking the Math button will bring up the Math editor window. As you write in LaTeX, it will render in the preview section underneath. When finished, click OK to insert it into the question editor.

Double-clicking any rendered LaTex code with bring up the Math editor window.



Clicking on the Tables button will bring up the Tables Properties window. You can change the settings as required. The options are:

Rows and Columns

The number of each required. This figure includes headers.

Width and Height

This can be defined as pixels (default) or a percentage by adding % to the end of the number.


This will automatically make the text bold in the first row, first column, or both.

Cell Spacing and Cell Padding

Cell padding is the space between the border of a cell and its contents. Think of it as a margin. This figure is measured in pixels.

Border size

This is the thickness of the border measured in pixels.


How the text will appear within the cell: Left alignment; right alignment; or centered.


This will add a heading to the table. Enter the desired text here.

Links (Files and URLs) 

  • Insert file
  • Link

To insert a file as a link, click Paper clip Icon - Download in Glyph Style  Insert file then browse your device to find and upload the relevant document.

To add a URL hyperlink, click Link - Free multimedia icons Link and you'll be presented with two tabs:

Link Info

  • Display Text = the wording of the hyperlink
  • Link Type = by default is URL
  • Protocol = by default is http:// Only change this if you know it needs to be changed.
  • URL = enter the URL of the site you're linking to. If you include the protocol (http://, https;//, etc.) it will automatically change the protocol setting above as well.


Target defines what will happen when the link is clicked by the candidate.

Multimedia (Images, Audio, and Video) 

  • Add image
  • Attach PDF
  • Add sound clip
  • Insert video

It is possible to insert images, video, and audio clips into questions.


Click Add image, then browse your device to find and upload the relevant image file.

Note: The image will not be rescaled or reprocessed. What is uploaded is what will load on the page for each candidate, albeit scaled down to fit the screen (roughly a width of 800px). In practice, this means uploading an 8000 x 6000 pixel, 10MB image file will serve little benefit apart from taking longer to load on the screen.

Audio (mp3)

Click Add sound clip, then click on the Audio clip editor for more options.

Audio Technical Specifications

Supported file types: mp3
Maximum file size: 50MB

  • Title: This is 'Audio Clip' by default. 
  • Sound file: Click Add sound file (mp3) then browse your device to find and upload the relevant mp3 file.
  • Options
    • Skin: You can toggle between the Standard and Basic appearance of the Audio panel within the question. Click Preview to see the difference between the two.
    • Allow pausing during playback: Unchecking this option will disable the pause button meaning the moment candidates click play, the full audio clip will play out and cannot be stopped.
    • Number of allowed playbacks:  It is possible to limit the number of times the audio clip is played. It can be limited to 1-6 playbacks or left as Unlimited which is the default.

Video (mp4)

Supported file types: mp4
Maximum file size: 20MB

Click the video icon. This will insert a video placeholder within the question editor. Click on this placeholder to reveal the Video menu on the right of the screen. The options are:

  • Title: This is 'Video Clip' by default. It can be left blank
  • Video file: Upload then browse your device to find and upload the relevant mp3 file.
  • Options = You can toggle between the Standard and Basic appearance of the video panel within the question. Click Preview to see the difference between the two.
  • Allow pausing during playback: Unchecking this option will disable the pause button meaning the moment candidates click play, the full audio clip will play out and cannot be stopped.
  • Number of allowed playbacks: It is possible to limit the number of times the audio clip is played. It can be limited to 1-6 playbacks or left as Unlimited which is the default.
  • Interaction visibility (requires activation, and is available in some question types*):
    • Always visible (default): the interaction element will be available for candidates before, during and after playback of the audio.
    • Show when completed: the interaction element (e.g. the essay editor) will become available after the audio clip has finished playing.
    • Show when completed, autoplay alternatives is available when sound is selected as alternatives in question type multiple choice and multiple response. The alternatives appear and auto-played from the top as soon as playback of the audio is completed. 

    * Controlling interaction visibility is not supported for inline question types, such as: Text entry, Numeric entry, Math Entry and Composite

To learn more about Audio and Video, visit the Help Center article Audio and Video clips in questions.

PDF mceclip9.png

  • Attatch PDF

Inserted PDF files are displayed in a separate column to the left of main question area for the candidate.
Use it to supplement or replace any question.

Tip: To preview the inserted PDF, in the upper right-hand corner, click mceclip1.png Preview.


  • Add interaction


The interaction elements that are added will serve as a form field, which the candidate will fill out or answer. Available question types are Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, True / False, Text Entry, Numeric Entry, Inline Choice, and Text Area.

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