Lingdys on computer labs

This article explains how to set up Lingdys on Windows computer labs.

Lingdys requires a license which can be obtained from Lingit.

Lingdys is a reading and writing aid that is designed to help people who have dyslexia or other forms of reading and writing difficulties. This includes spell checker and word suggestions. This tool can be added as a resource for candidates on a test.

Before you start this process, we recommend that documentation below is read and understood.

To access Lingdys on a test, Lingdys must be installed on the candidate's computer, and should be signed into with the appropriate user credentials.


Third party applications in Inspera Assessment

Third party applications are only supported on Windows computer labs. The application you want to use will have to be installed on all the computers and before running an exam, you should verify that the application works inside SEB by setting up a test exam with the application you want to be using.

When adding your own executable (name of the exe file) you must find out the name of the file. This can be done by starting the application, pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESC to open the task manager. Find your application and right click on details. This will reveal the name of the exe file you should add.
To test if this application can be run without further configuration, press Windows + R, type the name of the executable and run it. If the application starts you can add the exe file (for instance stats.exe) to the SEB options, if not you will have to do a windows registry update on the computers that will use this application. IBM SPSS and Lingys have to be updated in Windows registry.

Windows registry updates in App Paths

Lingdys does not update the App Paths in Windows registry. 

Adding a exe file that doesn't start with Windows + R:

  1. Windows + R
  2. Type regedit and run it
  3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths
    1. Make sure there is a App Path named "LingX.exe". If there is no, please create one.
  4. Right click and select new key
  5. Add the name of the executable (e.g. "Path")
  6. Add String value "Path" with the full path to the folder and update the (Standard) value with full path to the executable (e.g. File location, but remove the following part of the name "lingx.exe").
  7. If you have firefox or chrome installed, you can just look at how their values are added under App Paths and do the same
  8. Test that your application now starts when running the the exe file using Windows + R


Set up Lingdys access

  1. In Inspera "Test settings": Go to "Security" settings
  2. Enable "Safe Exam Browser for PC and Mac"
  3. Click "Advanced options"
  4. Paste "lingx.exe link into the "Custom*" field. Please be informed that this is case sensitive and must be equal to the path name.


Security concerns

The largest security concern is that SEB does not block access to the disk. This means that it is possible to open local files from the disk while running a third party application within SEB. This problem can be minimised in a computer lab.

Some applications, like Excel for instance, has possibilities to browse the internet within the application. This is also not stopped. However Excel can be configured not to have the Data → Import menu item. Other applications can have other ways of browsing the web. This has to be checked before setting up an exam with the wanted application.

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