Launching Guide for Inspera Originality

This guide takes you through Inspera's methodology and best practices for launching Inspera Originality in your organisation. This guide combines activities that are led by your Inspera Onboarding Consultant and activities that will be led by your organisation. 

Note: For Inspera Originality integrated into Inspera Assessment, please see our Implementation Guide for Inspera Assessment.


About our customer-facing teams

Our Onboarding team will take over from the Sales department and help you with the initial setup of Inspera Originality (IO) and make sure you are ready to launch IO within your organisation.

In addition, an Account Manager will follow the project with commercial responsibility and follow up on any contractual changes.

Customer facing teams at Inspera.png

After the contract is signed, your organisation is handed over to the Onboarding team for onboarding/launching of Inspera Originality.

Once you are ready for launching, you will be introduced to our Service Desk. Our Service Desk has a dedicated Support Team to answer questions your admin and help-desk staff may have, and assist with technical troubleshooting. 

When the onboarding/launching has been signed-off, your Account Manager will take over the project fully and will make sure that Inspera Originality continues to be fully supported for your organisation. 


Onboarding and launching

Inspera appoints a dedicated Onboarding Consultant who will be the domain expert on Inspera Originality (IO). The Onboarding Consultant is responsible for ensuring that the launching of IO is successful, and that you as a new customer have your initial questions answered.

Before commenting this project, we recommend that your organisation and project team make decisions  and carry out different optional activities, such as:

  • Anchoring the project in the organisation
  • Analysing current internal processes
  • Selecting the different project teams 


We also recommend commencing with a thorough project plan in place which outlines required activities, actions, milestones, and dependencies. Our Onboarding Consultant is always available to look at your project plan together with you and provide feedback if needed. If the project plan has already been verified and published, it can be sent in advance of the first launching activity: the kick-off meeting

If you have purchased the add-on option 2: Full support to your Launching package, your Onboarding Consultant will offer to have a project plan refinement session with you in advance of the kick-off meeting. In this session the Onboarding Consultant will help you put together a launching plan (project plan) where you map project milestones, such as launching activities below, and set a start and due date for them. 


Launching activities

To ensure a successful launch, Inspera has created a timeline of activities that is based on many years of experience in implementation and launching, and contains the following activities:

  1. Kick-off meeting
  2. System setup 
  3. Identify users
  4. Check-in and consulting meetings*
  5. Inspera Standard Training
  6. Testing
  7. Launching & evaluation


The Inspera launching process.png

The Launching process. The main launching activities are marked in light blue. 


1   Kick-off meeting

The first activity after the contract signature is a project kick-off meeting, which is a meeting for both parties (Inspera and your organization) to introduce themselves and align on project goals and milestones. This meeting should cover these topics (depending on project scope):

  • Project purpose or goals: Your goals for your Inspera Originality project, as well as who the success of the project will be evaluated
  • Project structure and reporting: Stakeholders, roles, reporting to your management, and meeting frequency 
  • Project plan: High-level planning and timelines for training and launching
  • Support: Agreeing on your first-level support organisation for guiding and helping candidates, academic staff, and administrators

The Kick-off meeting is between Inspera's Onboarding Consultant and Account Manager, and the customer's representatives or project manager together with the Project Group. 


2  System setup

The second activity in the launching process is system setup which addresses the topics below (depending on the project scope):

  • Account setup on the customer end: Your Onboarding Consultant will let you know what specific information Inspera needs from you to get your Inspera Originality system set up
  • Account setup on Inspera's end: Once you have shared the needed information, the Onboarding Consultant will make sure the setup is finalised on Inspera's end

Occasionally these needs may already be covered in earlier steps, for example in the kick-off meeting.


3  Identify users

Identifying users is not an activity in itself, but an important step in the launching process. This step is owned by your organisation, but the Onboarding Consultant can help and give guidance if required. 

The users to be identified here are those you are planning to be involved in the project, and will during the launching process establish a good knowledge of Inspera Originality (IO). These users, also called super-users, will also be the product experts and trainers for the rest of the end-users in your organisation. 

The super-user group should have members that can take the responsibility to continually train new users in your organisation, such as:

  • Staff working in different parts of the organisation
    • Staff working with your Learning Management System is also important if you are implementing IO via the LTI integration
    • Administration 
    • IT department
Super user group.png

It is common to have some overlap between the members of the project team and the super-user group.

The group members should also be your first line of support for questions related to IO from the rest of the organisation, also after the launching phase.


4  Check-in and consulting meetings*

*Note: The check-in and consulting meetings only apply to those who have this agreement in their contract.


The check-in meeting is usually scheduled after system setup is a meeting owned and driven by your organisation, and is typically used to discuss the status of the project. Any outstanding issues can be addressed and the project plan can be refined if necessary.  The meeting can also be used to run your setup of Inspera Originality (IO) in your Learning Management System (LMS) to make sure everything is set up correctly before the product training and launching. 

The consulting meeting is a meeting owned by your organisation where the project team is responsible for setting a meeting agenda. The meeting can be scheduled at any time during the launching phase.

Typical topics in this meeting are:

  • Outstanding questions about functionalities after training
  • Guidance on achieving outcomes with the use of IO
  • Project plan adjustments


5  Inspera Standard Training

Inspera uses the "train the trainer" concept where we help you establish a group of super-users with good knowledge of Inspera Originality (IO) and the different possibilities it allows for. This group should be your first line of support for questions related to IO from the rest of the organisation, also during and after the launching phase.

The Inspera Standard Training is carried out after the setup of IO, and consists of either a Question & Answer session or an online training session, depending on the agreement in your contract.

After the Inspera Standard Training is finished, the participants and super-users should be able to deliver on the preparation points for the testing of Inspera Originality (IO). Your super-user group will also be the ones that should continue with the internal training of features and functionality within IO. 


5.1  Question and Answer (Q&A) session

The one (1) hour Q&A session is intended for participants to get answers to the questions they have about Inspera Originality (IO) after the system setup is completed. The Onboarding Consultant will answer all your questions and run a short demo of IO based on the questions from the participants. 


  • To guarantee immediate answers to all questions, the questions must be shared with the Onboarding Consultant two (2) working days in advance of the session
  • We recommend that the participants familiarize themselves with Inspera Originality by using our Help Center articles in advance of the session


5.2  Online Training Session

If you have upgraded your product training from the Question & Answer session to the Online Training session, your Onboarding Consultant will deliver the following:

Inspera Online Training Session for Inspera Originality
Duration: 2 hours


  1. An overview of Inspera Originality: What is it?
  2. User roles and important functionalities outside of the Originality Report
  3. The Originality Report
    • Accessing the report in the different user roles
    • Navigating and interpreting the report
  4. Suggestions for activities to familiarise yourself with the Inspera Originality integration


The training session will be adapted based on activated functionalities in your Inspera Originality system and by feedback from your project group. The participants will also get the possibility to ask further questions during the session.

We are happy to share our training material with you after the session, so you can adjust it to your organisation's needs and reuse it for training of other end users.


5.3  Additional training (at extra cost)

Additional training can be purchased at any time during the contract period. It is possible to purchase multiple Question and Answer (Q&A) sessions and additional training sessions (standard and/or tailored, online and/or on-site). 

For prices and information about additional training, please see our Inspera Originality Service Catalogue (requires login). 


5.4 Access to Inspera Service Desk

After the training, you will also get access to our Service Desk. The Service Desk is Inspera's Support Team who are dedicated to answering customers' admin and help desk staff questions, and assisting with troubleshooting. The Service Desk can be reached by ticketing system, phone, and email. 


Your organisation's help desk staff as well as project manager(s) will get access to the Inspera Service Desk. This is where support requests, service requests, and issue reporting are recorded and managed. Before you are added to the Service Desk, your Onboarding Consultant will guide you on how to get the most out of your Service Desk and how to use the different request types.


6  Testing

Once system setup and training are completed, we recommend you test Inspera Originality (IO) thoroughly before your last touch point with the Onboarding Consultant in the launching phase. In this activity, we recommend you interact with IO before it is officially launched to see if everything is working as expected or if it contains any bugs. 

To perform testing, the Onboarding Consultant will provide you with a few test scenarios that you can perform on your own time. Below you can find some examples of test scenarios we recommend before signing off on the launch:

Test Scenario for Educators
  1. Add a subject and/or create an assignment
  2. Submit a text as an Educator to check for similarity without setting up an assignment (This is the "Your submissions" tab, i.e. Educator's "pre-check")
  3. Download offline reports
  4. Test the Assignment configuration settings
    • Recommended settings for testing: Late submissions and resubmissions


Relevant Inspera Originality guides:


Test Scenario for Students
  1. Log in as a student to test submission pre-checks
  2. Preview Originality Report as a student
  3. Submit an assignment as a student


Relevant Inspera Originality guides:



During and/or after testing, your Onboarding Consultant will be available on email for questions and feedback around the testing.  If in your agreement, the Consultancy meeting can also be used for feedback and questions during/after the testing.

 If you have any general feedback and/or improvement suggestions to our Inspera Originality team, you can submit them on the Inspera Public Roadmap at any time during your contract period with Inspera.


6.1  Data Migration*

*Note: Data Migration needs to be scoped and may be dependent on other software vendors to provide the information needed.


If you have purchased the Data Migration service, you can start the process of this along with your Onboarding Consultant. This service is to migrate historical data from previous submissions to Inspera Originality (IO). Data migration will allow for collusion analysis with previously submitted content outside of IO. 

You should already have an idea if this is something you want to complete. This activity does not have to be completed during the launching phase and is completely optional and not required for IO to be fully functional. The data migration can also be done at a later point in time by sending a request to our Service Desk. 


7  Launching & evaluation

The last activity is for your organisation to evaluate the launching together with your Onboarding Consultant and Account Manager at Inspera. A launching meeting will be set up to conclude the implementation process. This meeting is to plan and make sure your organisation is ready to launch Inspera Originality. In this meeting, the Inspera representatives can also help you determine if anyone else from your organisation should be involved in a further roll-out, based on the launching process so far.

Once the launching is completed and signed off, your contact with your Onboarding Consultant will cease and the project will be fully transitioned into Account Management.


Account Management

Your Account Manager will continue to provide support, consultancy, and advice on your Inspera use even after the launch. This will be through the regular account management governance process agreed between the parties. 

Account Management.png

Your Account Manager will act as your voice within Inspera, and Inspera's voice to you. They are responsible for overall customer service and contractual delivery.

The Account Manager will also help you achieve value for money from your Inspera license by:

    • Demonstrating new or underutilized product features that support alignment between technology and pedagogy
    • Helping you to stay informed of developments to the product, and features on the Inspera Roadmap
    • Sharing best practices and fostering a community amongst similar Inspera users
    • Advising on digital assessment adoption and change management
    • Providing oversight and escalation for service delivery
    • Management of commercial matters

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