How to enable AI authorship checking

How to enable AI authorship checking

AI authorship is part of the originality checking process that covers the part of assessing whether sentences have been possibly generated by AI. By default, AI authorship checking is disabled and will not be part of the originality checking unless the Planner includes it.

Enabling AI authorship instantly makes it a part of the originality index where originality levels (high risk, medium risk, low risk) are directly applied as well. The similarity-checking process ignores this feature if it is not activated in the Security tab of the setup screen.

To enable AI authorship follow these steps: 

Step 1: Go to “Deliver” and then “Create a new test

Step 2: Select the question set you want to add to the test

Step 3: In the “Setup” screen, go to the options section and select the “Security” dropdown

Step 4: Click on “Request Originality report”

Step 5: Click on “AI Authorship” checkbox 

AI Authorship checkbox.jpg

After this, the AI authorship will be part of the originality report and will impact the originality index as well. In the originality report, you can find the AI Authorship section beneath the “Similarity analyses”.

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