Accessing the Originality report as a Grader

Accessing the Originality report as a Grader

Graders can access the Originality Report by following these steps: 

  1. Click on the Grade module in the header menu at your Inspera tenant and select the relevant assessment. 
  2. Click on the Overview section on the menu and press on the “Originality Index tab” on the list.
  3. Click on the Marking section on the menu and press on the “Originality Index tab” on the list. 

The originality index provides insights into the detected level of originality categorizing it into one of the following categories:

  • High risk
  • Medium risk
  • Low risk

The Originality Report can be accessed via the Grade module of Inspera Assessment, either by navigating to the Overview Section and clicking on the “Originality Index tab”, or by directly navigating to the Marking section and clicking on the “Originality Index” tab at the top.

You can access a candidate's information by clicking on the "Originality Index" column that will provide initial insights into the level of originality, categorizing it as high risk, medium risk, or low risk.


Upon clicking the button, you will be redirected to the Originality Report of the question. 

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