Inspera Seminar Nordics October 2023

Welcome to Inspera Seminar Nordics; 100% focus on our Nordic customers.

On this page we have gathered all information you should need about this seminar. (Last updated September 7th, 2023)


Event details

When: lunch to lunch October 18th-19th

Where: Cort Adelers gate 30, 0254 Oslo 

Fee: Three participants from each organisation can attend free of cost, if you want to send more there will be a cost of 129 Euro each.

Who is this for: This seminar is focusing on higher ed in the Nordics. All sessions will be held in English. 

The agenda for this years seminar is set, timings may change and we might need to make minor changes. Our main purpose is to provide detailed information on released functionality and also what's to come, both in Inspera Assessment but also in our collaboration with you. 

Registration is now closed.

Please note: the timings are preliminary and are subject to change. Except timings for lunch and coffee. 

18th October Topic Presentation/Workshop Scope
11:30 AM Lunch    
12:30 PM 

Welcome & household rules 

Introduction by:

Magnus Rittnor (Account manager)

12:35 PM

Company update and roadmap

Presentation by:

Brent Mundy (CPO)

Company update to contextualize the changes you have seen since the start of the year. We will share what’s changed and what stays the same.

The roadmap will be a reflective view of what’s been released since last year and a slight look ahead at the capabilities that are in active development now.

1:30 PM

Community of practice: Working together to innovate and enhance your assessments

Presentation by:

Ishan Kolhatkar (Global Client Evangelist)

Find out more about how we want to work closer with you, our assessment community to be part of how you innovate and enhance assessment.

An update about our new community site, roadmap site, client advisory board and more.

2:00 PM Refreshments    
2:20 PM

Multiple attempts, Numerical Simulations, and Assessment Paths

Presentation by:

Product Managers for the individual features and Ishan Kolhatkar

Three new, exciting features that in combination provides a powerful tool to assist and assess learning. 
4:00 PM

Inspera Originality

Presentation by:



Demo of Inspera Originality, brief roadmap of integrations in development

5:00 - ~ 7.00 PM Mingle mania   We round off day one in the same successful way as last year; with some cool beverages and tasty dishes. This brings an excellent opportunity to reflect on the day and meet colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere.   
19th October Topic Presentation/Workshop Scope
8:00 AM Coffee/Tea    
8:30 AM 

Inspera Exam Portal (IEP) and Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

Presentation by:

Simon Martin (Solutions Engineer)

Fergus Jack (Product Manager)

This session will be a three-part act.

  1. A walk through the similarities/differences between SEB and IEP
  2. The IEP roadmap and how we are approaching the roadmap gaps
  3. Customer sharing how they are using IEP successfully today
9:55 AM

Customer journey

Presentation by:

Háskólinn á Akureyri

How Inspera is used at Akureyri, how they went about changing their testing system over two years ago and how the teachers have changed their usage of Inspera since starting to use it in that time.
10:25 AM

Reflections, collaboration and implementation and



What do you need in order  to implement new features at your university?

What can Inspera help you with in terms of features?

11:00 AM Inspera Scan

Presentation by:

Arild Sørum Hjelle (NTNU)

11:30 AM


Presentation by:

Ashlesha Yadav (Design lead)

12:00 PM

Wrap up seminar



12.10 PM Lunch    


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