This is available for Planners.
This feature is not compatible with any Lockdown Browsers such as Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB) and Safe Exam Browser (SEB).
Assessment path supports continuous assessment in either a formative (assessment for learning) or summative (assessment for learning) context. It allows you to group components of an assessment together to be marked individually and graded as a whole. It also supports multiple assessments being grouped in the same way.
- How to create an Assessment path
- Setup
- Contributors
- Candidates
- Committees
- Grading
- Grading workflow
- Candidate experience
- Summary
How to create an Assessment path
- Begin in the Deliver module. Click Create new test > Assessment path.
- You will now have the following steps to go through to set up your Assessment path:
- Setup
- Contributors
- Candidates
- Committees
- Grading
- Grading workflow
- Candidate experience
- Summary
Within Setup, you have an overview of the following categories:
- Click the Setup tab.
- Add an Assessment Name for your path.
- Select an Organizational unit.
- Write a Short summary.
- Generally, a one-line summary of the course. Maximum 160 characters.
- This is shown in the candidate dashboard under “Introduction”.
- Add Test information
- Generally, curriculum descriptions.
- This is shown in the candidate dashboard under “Test information”.
When creating an Assessment path, you can set the start and end times for the entire path, also referred to as the Assessment level.
- To set a start time, select Start date and time.
- To set an end time, select End date and time.
Manage tests
It's important to note that the tests within the Assessment path will not automatically become available at the start time of the Assessment path. Each test also has its own start and end time, and these times must fall within the start and end time of the Assessment path. In other words, the test can only be accessed during a specific time frame within the overall time frame of the Assessment path.
Within Manage tests, you can Create new test or Add tests.
Example: ARTH: Art History 101, is a course running from December 1st, 10:00 AM to May 31st, 2023 12:00 PM. The Assessment path contains the following tests:
- Prehistoric Art: January 2nd, 10:00 AM to 23:45 PM
- Medieval Art: February 1st, 10:00 AM to 23:45 PM
- Renaissance Art: March 1st, 10:00 AM to 23:45 PM
- Baroque Art: April 3rd, 10:00 AM to 23:45 PM
Create new test
If you create a test within the AP, the test will act as a placeholder with only the Name, Start/End date, and Start/End time.
- To create a new test, click Create new test.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Name
- Start date/time
- End date/time
Information: The start and end time of the test needs to be within the start and end time of the Assessment path.
- To view your test options, under options, click More.
Add tests
- To add a test, click Add tests.
- Select one or multiple tests by selecting the Title checkboxes. Click Add tests to add them to the Assessment path. Only those tests will appear that have start and end times within the start and end times of AP.
Information: A test can only be connected to one Assessment path. To view your test options, under options, click More.
Columns within Test setup
Columns within Manage tests include the following:
- Name: Test name
Status: Test status, which could be one of the following
- Active
- Created
- Scheduled
- Locked
- Executing
- Finished
- Deleted
- Archived
- Graded
Start date: Test start date and time. Sort tests by their start time by clicking Sort
End date: Test end date and time. Sort tests by their end time by clicking Sort
- Options:
Within Contributors, you have an overview of the following categories:
You can decide who will contribute, and what roles they have in the context of the Assessment path: Author, Reporter, Chief invigilator, Invigilator, Grader, and Planner.
When adding contributors, you can add contributors directly to the Assessment path. The creator of the Assessment path is automatically added as a contributor to the Assessment path.
Add contributors
- To add contributors directly to the Assessment path, click Add contributors.
- Search to add contributors with the specific roles you want them to have in the context of Assessment Path.
Within Candidates, you have an overview of the following categories:
- You can add all candidates from the Assessment path to the tests.
- You can have different candidates on different tests.
- Skip adding candidates on the Assessment level, and only add them to the tests, in case there is no need for marking on the Assessment level.
- By adding Unique candidates to individual tests outside of the Assessment path, we can allow candidates who are not included in the path to take the same test as those who are. This saves time and avoids the need to set up a separate test for these individuals. For example, a candidate who failed a specific exam from a course module in the previous year does not need to re-take all assessments for that course, but only the one they failed. This feature provides greater flexibility and efficiency for managing candidate testing.
Candidates on Assessment path
Within the category Candidates on Assessment path, you are given an overview of the following:
- Candidates on Assessment: Number of candidates added to the Assessment.
- Not added to any tests: Number of candidates not added to any of the tests.
Candidate distribution
The candidate distribution gives an overview of the following:
- Test: The name of the tests.
- Status: The status of a test at any point in time.
- Total candidates: The number of candidates on the given test.
- On Assessment: The number of candidates who are assigned to the Assessment.
- Unique: The number of candidates who are assigned to the test, but not the Assessment.
- Not assigned: The number of candidates who are not assigned from the Assessment to the test.
- Assign: Click Assign to test to assign all candidates on the Assessment to the tests.
A test has 10 candidates,
- Out of which 7 are part of the AP as a whole and also assigned to the test.
- Out of which 3 are unique, which means they are on the test, but not part of the Assessment as a whole.
This would mean,
- Total Candidates: 10
- On Assessment: 7
- Unique: 3
- Not Assigned: 0
Manage candidates
To assign candidates from the Assessment to a test, click Assign to test on the row of the test. This will transfer all candidates from the Assessment to the test.
Add candidates through Inspera
- To add candidates to your Assessment Path, click Add Candidates.
- Choose one of the following options:
- One-time users
- CSV Import (SSO)
- Permanent users
To learn more about adding candidates via Inspera, visit our Help Center article Candidate setup.
Add candidates through CSV
- To import candidates to your Assessment Path, click Add Candidates.
- Select the dropdown and choose Feide or Google.
- Click Upload candidate CSV.
- To learn more about adding candidates via CSV, visit our Help Center article Candidate setup.
- Select the Options dropdown to do the following:
- Download list as CSV
- View in Monitor
Columns within Manage candidates
- ID
- Committee
- Authentication type
- Actions
- View in Monitor
- Remove candidate
Within Committees, you have an overview of the following categories:
Add unassigned candidates to committees
In order to distribute candidates to the created committees, there are two options:
- Make Inspera automatically distribute candidates for you - by clicking Add unassigned candidates
- Manually distribute candidates - by clicking View in Monitor, select candidates, and click Edit grading committee
Information: If you want to control the allocation of specific candidates to specific committees, we recommend following the manual approach.
Manage Committees
You can add committees to an Assessment path directly within the AP, or via CSV.
Create committee
- Click Add committees > Create committee.
- Enter your committee name, click Add.
- Your committees will appear in the list under Manage Committees.
Add from CSV
- Click Add committees > Add from CSV.
- Click Upload committee CSV.
- To learn more about how to import committees via CSV, visit the Help Center article Test settings - Committees.
- Your committees will appear in the list under Manage Committees.
Once you’ve added your committees directly within the AP, or via CSV, your committees will appear under Manage Committees.
Columns within Committees
- Committee name: Name of the Committee.
- Committee grading status: The committee status will be updated in this column. When final grading is complete, the status will automatically be set to "Completed".
- Graders: Number of graders assigned to the committee.
- Candidates: Number of candidates assigned to the committee.
- Assessment round: Primary round or Appeals.
- General workflow: A summary of the workflow for the committee. This will be explained further later.
- Edit workflow: Inherit workflow from test settings (Default) or Set custom workflow for this committee
- Edit graders: Edit committee graders
- Edit assessment round: Primary round or Appeals
- Delete committee
Within Grading, you have an overview of the following categories:
Please keep in mind that when there are multiple graders assigned to a test within an Assessment, we suggest that each grader aligns the points, instead of grades, at the test level and enabling the threshold feature. Here's why:
- This ensures that the overall grade for the Assessment is calculated accurately while preserving the individual performance information for each test.
- It allows for the evaluation to happen at the right stage, where the graders with the required subject matter expertise to evaluate a specific individual test, are available.
Grading on parent
You can choose whether to grade Assessments as a whole or not, by enabling or disabling Grading on parent.
On enabling Grading on parent, you have the following settings that appear:
You can choose to Enable the administration of explanations. You have the following options:
- Request explanations
- Allow Graders to send explanations directly to candidates
- Set deadline for explanation
Main evaluation type
You can choose between the following evaluation types for the final evaluation for Assessment as a whole:
- Grade: A Grade will be used as a final result for the assessment path
- Points: The total points earned by a candidate on the Assessment as a whole would be used as their final score, and it is not converted into an equivalent grade. The final score is calculated based on the method chosen in Calculation of points.
Manual marking
You can choose to have manual marking Disabled or Enabled.
- When selecting Grade, you have the option to select a grading scale for the Assessment as a whole and configure thresholds to allow automatic grading.
- When selecting Points, the grading scale and thresholds are disabled.
Setting final result
Calculation of points
When setting the final result, you can choose whether points will be calculated based on the total points, or test weight.
- Sum of points: The final result will be based on the sum of achieved points across all tests of the assessment.
- Test weight: The final result will be based on the achieved points on all tests and will be weighted by given test weights. The weights are expressed as % and sum up to 100%.
Threshold values
You can use Threshold values to calculate the final grade.
- Toggle between Disabled/Enabled.
Main evaluation type | Grade scale | Calculation of points | Threshold value | Outcome |
Grade | Selected | Total points or Test weight | Enabled | With Thresholds Enabled, grades are automatically calculated based on the threshold values and the total sum of points the candidate has been given on the tests (or) Grades are automatically calculated based on the threshold values and the points the candidate has been given on the tests calculated with the test weights.
Grade | Selected | Total points or Test weight | Disabled | With Thresholds Disabled, Graders will have to manually add final grades to the candidates.
Manage tests
Within Manage tests, you have an overview of all the tests.
Columns within Manage tests
- Name: Test name
- Status: Test status activity
- Grading scale: Test grading scale
- Points: Test points overview
- Test weight: If Test weight is selected within Calculation of points, you can set the test weight manually.
- Actions
- View in Deliver
- View in Monitor
- View in Marking
- Remove
If Test weight is enabled, you have the option to set the Test weights to Equal test weight.
Grading workflow
The Grading workflow tab will be greyed out if grading on the parent is disabled in the "grading" tab. Within the Grading workflow, you have an overview of the following categories:
Grading workflow
Within the Grading workflow, you can choose how the grading process is completed. Choose between the following options:
- Confirm all candidates at once (Default)
- Confirm each candidate individually
To learn more about the General workflow in our Help Center article, Test settings - Grading workflow.
Collaboration settings
Within the Collaboration settings, you can choose the process for Setting marks and grades, and Confirmation of marks and grades. Choose between the following options:
- Setting marks and grades
- Private marking and results alignment
- Shared marking
To learn more about setting marks and grades, visit our Help Center article Test settings - Grading workflow.
- Confirmation of marks and grades
- If Private marking and results alignment is selected, then all graders in the committee are required to confirm the grade per candidate
- If Shared marking is selected, then only one grader in the committee is required to confirm the grade per candidate
To learn more about confirmation of marks and grades, visit our Help Center article Test settings - Grading workflow.
Candidate experience
Within Candidate experience, you have an overview of the following categories:
Candidate experience
A given candidate will be able to see the test on their dashboard when they are added to that specific test.
- If the candidate is added to a test, but not the Assessment path, they will see the test as a regular test and not as a Singular or Grouped Assessment path, regardless of the Candidate's view setting.
- If the candidate is on the test and Assessment, they will see that test as AP single or AP grouped depending on that setting.
Assessment path
- To show the Assessment path for candidates, toggle Enabled/Disabled.
Candidate view
Choose how the candidate views the Candidate dashboard.
- Single tests: Individual tests are displayed in the Candidate dashboard and are available to view once the test is active.
- Grouped: All tests that the candidate is assigned to in the Assessment path are displayed in the Candidate dashboard.
Enable final results
You can select one or both options for presenting final results to candidates:
- Show final grade to candidate: Only displays the final grade to candidates
- Show total points to candidate: Only displays the total points on the Assessment path to candidates
Explanation of grade
- To enable Explanations within the Candidate dashboard, toggle Enabled/Disabled.
- You can choose the following options:
- Request explanations of all grades
- Allow graders to send explanations directly to candidates
- Set deadline for explanation
To learn more about Explanation of grades, visit our Help Center article Test settings - Explanation of grades.
Test order on Candidate dashboard
This is the order in which tests are displayed to the candidates.
- To reorder assessments for candidates, click Reorder Tests to enable drag and drop.
- Drag and drop the test to change the order, or use the arrows to the right of the Status.
- Click Save.
Click Activate path.
- An Assessment path (AP) can have multiple tests
- A test can only be connected to one AP
- The tests need to be within the AP start and end time.
- A test can have all statuses when added to the AP (Created .. Graded)
- You can not control time and other settings on the tests from the AP; the changes need to be done directly on the test.
- A test can be removed from the AP and added to a new AP.
Tests must be graded before the grading starts on the Assessment path.
- Confirm you want to End now and start Marking.
2. Click Confirm.
3. Navigate to the top of the page and click View in marking. This will take you to the Marking 2.0 layout.