This is available for Planners.
The integration with Ladok transfers data about exams and registered students to Inspera and transfers the results back to Ladok.
Table of content
Set up of exam
On Sunet's Wiki you find instructions on how to set up activities in Ladok in order for them to be sent to Inspera and set up as tests. Sunet's user guide for the Ladok integration.
As these instructions are in Swedish, we have listed the key things to remember:
- The activity session type needs to be either Digital tentamen (LIS) or Digital omtentamen (LIS)
- Use anonymization code needs to be checked
- Registration is required needs to be checked
- It needs to be set up on module, not course, for the result to be reported back
Once the activity session has been set up i Ladok, information is triggered to be sent to Inspera. As soon as Inspera received the information a test will be set up. This will include:
- Exam name (Swedish name)
- Start and end date
- Start and end time
If anything needs to be changed this should be done in Ladok as Inspera does not write back to Ladok. You can now manage the test in the same manner you'd manage any test in Inspera e.g. apply a template with settings, add the question set and add contributors.
Student registration for the exam
When a student is registered on the activity session, regardless if they register themselves or if a Ladok admin registers them, the information will be sent to Inspera. This includes:
- StudentID (Ladoks UUID)
- Student first namne
- Student last name
The student needs to have an account in Inspera in order to log in. These are automatically
created either when they log in for the first time or when there is a registration coming from Ladok.
Result reporting
The confirmation of grading enables the Ladok button for the planner. The planner is the only user role which can transfer results to Ladok via the integration.
When you click Transfer all grades, the results grade and total marks are sent back to Ladok.
On Sunet's Wiki you find information on how this is updating Ladok and how it looks. Sunet's user guide for the Ladok integration - reporting results.