This is available for Users with extended access.
This functionality requires activation by the service desk and is disabled by default.
There might be instances where it is important to make sure no further changes are made to a test before the test is activated and has started. A final exam at a learning institution with a quality assurance process and a central office that approves the test and wants to ensure no more changes are made before the test event takes place is a common use case.
Lock test settings applies to the test options.
Note: test settings can still be edited via API if the API user has extended access, even if the lock setting is enabled on the test.
How to lock editing
If this functionality is enabled, a lock symbol will appear in the upper right corner of the Deliver module. By default, the lock is open and is made editable until you choose to lock editing. You can lock a test at any time in the test lifecycle, regardless of the test status.
- Within the Test Setup, click Lock editing .
- A success message will display Test settings locked.
All settings will then be locked for all users to edit.
How to unlock editing
Once a test's settings have been locked, only users with Extended Access can unlock test settings. You can unlock a test at any time in the test lifecycle, regardless of the test status.
- To unlock the test, click Unlock editing .
- A success message will display This test has now been unlocked and can be edited by all users with access to the test.
- Locking the test settings will not apply to test end time. This can still be modified by the planner.
- If there is a new revision of the question set, the planner will still be able to update to the newest revision when prompted.
Relevant material
- See how you ensure certain settings are set by using templates.
- See more details on test settings here.