

Help before and during the test

Depending on your institution, there are several ways of notifying your invigilator for help. Please contact your institution for communication instructions before and during the test. 



When you enter Inspera Integrity Browser, the Introduction page will guide you through the login process. The login process will be the same for Proctored and Non-Proctored tests, with Proctored tests going through an additional systems check to see that cameras/microphones are working. 

Non-proctored login:

  • Step 1: Inspera Assessment will run a systems check
  • Step 2: Log into your account
  • Step 3: Select your test 

Proctored login:

  • Step 1: Inspera Assessment will run a systems check
  • Step 2: Log into your account
  • Step 3: Select your test 
  • Step 4: Camera, screen recording, and disk space check
  • Step 5: Microphone check
  • Step 6: Take your photo
  • Step 7: Take a snapshot of your ID

For a more detailed walk-through of the test taker experience, see the article Test Taker journey


Systems check

The systems checks will be the same for both Proctored and Non-proctored tests. The systems check will go through each variable individually to ensure that your system passes the checks. 





Pause a test

If you need to pause for any reason during the test, please inform your Invigilator. The time that you are away for is added as 'incident time', which is added to your test time in the end. For example, if you are paused for 5 minutes, you will have 5 minutes added on to the end of your test. For incidents that are less than a minute, you are not given the extra minute at the end of the test. 


Loss of internet

Keep calm! Inspera saves your answers, even if you disconnect from the internet. A warning will alert you in the case that you lose connection to the internet. You can follow the steps below to troubleshoot a loss of internet connection. 

  1. Try to re-establish your internet connection by clicking WiFi mceclip1.png.
  2. Disconnect from your connection, and try reconnecting.
  3. Connect to another signal.

If you can re-establish an internet connection...

If you can re-establish an internet connection, proceed normally with your test as Inspera saves your previous and current answers. Click Submit now when you are ready to submit your test.

If you cannot re-establish an internet connection...

If you cannot re-establish an internet connection, you can still proceed with your test and continue with an offline submission as Inspera saves your previous and current answers. Shortly after being disconnected from the internet, you should receive an automated message from your institution providing you with offline instructions. 

  1. Proceed with your test.
  2. When are ready to submit your test, click Save submission as file.
  3. Enter your Invigilator-provided password, click Save submission.
  4. The test is saved as a .ia file to your computer.
    • Mac: The download is confirmed and you will receive a prompt on where the file is stored.
    • Windows: The file can be found in the standard download folder - usually C:\Users\<username>\Downloads.
  5. Confirm with your Invigilator that you have downloaded the file. Upload and share the .ia file using a method approved by your Invigilator.
    • USB: The file can be uploaded to a USB and shared
    • Cloud: The file can be uploaded to a cloud service and shared
    • Email: The file can be downloaded and sent over email





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