Blackboard - Adding Inspera as an external tool (LTI 1.1)

This is available for Administrators.


You can add Inspera as an external tool within Blackboard. The current setup in each VLEs varies slightly but consists of the same basic steps. The following gives information regarding Blackboard. For information about other VLEs, please contact Inspera for further details. 

Inspera currently has to be added as an App to the VLE account. This is a one-time process and will require contacting Inspera to provide a Client Key and Shared Secret. Inspera can then be added as an app for all users, or to a specific module only. 

The first step in all instances is to make a request to Inspera for the Client Key and Shared Secret for your specific Inspera instance. After receiving the Client Key and Shared Secret from Inspera, you can begin setup within the VLE by going to the settings and adding Inspera as an external app. 


How to add Inspera to Blackboard as a site-wide tool

1. Click System Admin.

2. Under Integrations, click LTI Tool Providers.


3. Click Register Provider Domain and fill in the configuration data.

4. The actual URL that is used for LTI is not created as part of defining the tool in Blackboard, but rather as part of what is known as a “placement”. Define the tool first with Client Key and Shared Secret (set to be shared across all instances/placements).

To make the tool available in courses, go to Manage Global Properties under the same choice and activate it as shown below: 


5. Define the URL (this has to be on the same domain as the one used when defining the tool Provider Domain) when using it in a “placement”, as shown below:




6. For Inspera Assessment, the URL ends with /ltiaccess after the instance domain. Always use HTTPS. Although frames technically work on most browsers when using HTTPS, Inspera strongly recommends using the new window/tab setting for the best user experience. The screenshots below show this step inside the course where the tool is to be used:

On the left side menu, choose Content > Build Content.

Select the instance created in the Register Provider Domain (refer back to step 3).



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