Populate an Item Bank with content

Available for Author with Extended Access

Information: This feature is currently in Closed beta and only available for invited customers with test accounts. 

We are introducing Item Banks to support institutions' need for maintaining control of their test assessment content, as well as allowing authors to better organize their content. Learn how to create an Item Bank here.

Within the Item Bank, you can move and import content (defined as Questions / Question Sets / Content Blocks) from the Authoring page, as well as between different Item Banks. It is recommended that you move your existing content from the Author page into Item Banks, should you wish to have access to it within your Item Bank. 

This article will show you how to move content between Authoring and Item Banks and content between item banks.


To start:

  • Moving content between banks will be logged and visible under Recent Events in the dashboard
  • Only question sets located within item banks can be added to tests.
  • Your bank prefix will replace the Author module in the menu header to indicate which Item Bank you are working out of.


Moving content between Authoring and Item Banks

  1. Make sure you are in the Authoring page. Choose Question Sets, Questions or Content Blocks from the Author drop down; this depends on what type of content you wish to move.
  2. To move content between the Authoring page of Inspera Assessment to Item Banks, select the content that you want to move by selecting the checkmark box to the left and press Move to other bank at the bottom of the page.
  3. A prompt will appear asking you to Move to your Item Bank. Select the orange box and you are done!
    Note: When going between the Author Page and Item banks, you cannot move content from Item Banks into the Author page. You can only move information from the Author page into Item Banks. 

Moving content between Item Banks

  1. To move content, start by selecting the bank you want to export information from in the Author dropdown menu. The bank name prefix will replace the Author header.
    (If you want to move content from the main workspace to a bank, choose Author in the main menu, and change profiles to the Author page. You may need to refresh the page after performing this action to see any changes.)
  2. Choose Question Sets, Questions or Content Blocks from the Item Bank drop down; this depends on what type of content you wish to move.
  3. Select the content that you want to move by selecting the checkmark box to the left and press Move to other bank at the bottom of the page.
  4. The following prompt will appear to confirm your choice. Here, you have an overview of the new members in the item bank. Select the orange box and you are done!



  • Users of the previous Item Bank who are not also members of the new Item Bank will lose access to content.
  • If moving a question that is part of a question set in Author or another bank - then the user will lose access to the question unless they also have access to the bank it is moved to.

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