Set marks on questions

Available for Graders.

In this article, we will cover how to mark Automatically marked questions and Manually marked questions.




In order to begin setting marks, navigate to the Marking workspace. For more information on how to navigate the Marking workspace, visit our Help Center article Description of standard workspace setup for graders.


Automatically marked questions

Automatically marked questions are automatically marked by Inspera Assessment once the candidate has submitted the test. As the Grader, you do not need to mark an Automatically marked question, unless you intend to override the mark. Automatically marked questions can be found within the Marks dropdown, and are identified with mceclip1.pngAutomatically calculated


Image: An automatically calculated question. 

Tip: By filtering for Automatic marks in the footer, you can choose to only navigate through the automatically marked questions.

Override an automatically marked question

As a Grader, you can override the automatically calculated marks. 

  1. Within the Marks dropdown, Click Override
  2. Within the text field, enter your marks (up to 2 decimal places).
  3. Click Apply.


Once you have overridden automatically calculated marks, the status of the question changes to Overridden. To learn more about how the Override feature works, visit the Help Center article Override automatically calculated marks.


Manually marked questions

On manually marked questions you, as a Grader, have to set marks yourself. Manually marked questions can be found within the Marks dropdown, and are identified with mceclip6.pngNot set.


Within the Marking panel, you have the option to set marks. Select the number of marks by clicking the Marks dropdown and choosing from the list, or type the number of marks on your keyboard. If you start by typing a number into the drop-down, you will get suggestions from the list.

It is also possible to set marks with up to two decimals. Instead of selecting marks from the list, type the number of marks, for example 1.5 or 1,5.


Once you have set marks, the status of the question changes to "Set by you a few seconds ago".

By clicking Reset, you can reset the marks that you have given.

Note: Some tests are set up with grades on questions instead of marks - in which case you do not set marks, but choose from the available grades in the dropdown.



Some questions may be set up with Criteria. This can only be applied to the manually marked question types.

When you mark questions that have criteria, the criteria will appear to the right of the answer to the candidate submission. You award marks by clicking on the criteria. Click again to remove the marks for that criteria. 



Bands and criteria 

Some questions may be set up with Bands and Criteria. This can only be applied to the manually marked question types.

image-6.pngWithin the Marking panel, you will find the option to set marks through bands and criteria if applicable. Click Banded Marks and set marks on the line under each criterion.

image-7.pngWhen you have chosen a mark (1) for a criteria, a description of the band will appear underneath (2). If you change the mark, another description will appear, describing what should be achieved to get the marks.


Bands and criteria - Decimals

The option to mark using decimals in Bands and Criteria requires activation. When decimals are activated, the slider is deactivated and replaced by an empty field where you can enter a mark.

  1. To begin marking, go to the Bands and Criteria menu.
  2. Click within an empty field and begin typing.
    • The total score on the question will be rounded to 2 digits.

To reset a score, click Reset.




Information: Rubrics require activation. Please contact the Service Desk to activate.

Some questions may be set up with Rubrics. This can only be applied to the manually marked question types.

There are four different types of Rubrics:

  • Point-based: A single point value is assigned to each Level of Performance.
  • Points-range: A range of values is assigned to each Level of Performance.
  • Percentage-range: A range of percentages is assigned to each Level of Performance.
  • Qualitative: Qualitative rubrics have no point value assigned to the rubric and can be used to give the candidate feedback.

Depending on the rubric type, you may have the option to assign a point value or percentage value.

Mark within the Marking workspace

  1. To begin marking, go to the Rubric menu.
  2. Select a relevant criterion and assign a point or percentage value.
  3. Optionally, you can leave feedback for candidates.


Use rubric matrix to mark

  1. To use the rubric matrix to mark, click Use rubric matrix to mark.
  2. Select a Level of performance and assign a point or percentage value.
  3. Optionally, you can leave feedback to candidates.


Note: If you want to download and print all of the submissions, click Options in the header, then Print and download all submissions.

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