Feature parity overview - classic tool vs. Marking 2.0

This article is an overview of the current status of Marking 2.0 and which functionalities are currently supported. The left column is the specific functionality that you know from the classic tool, and the right column indicates whether the functionality is supported in the new tool.

This list is continuously updated, and you can refer to this for an updated status if there are specific features you are missing in Marking 2.0


Exam type/Question set settings

Oral exam parity-no.jpg
InsperaScan exam parity-yes.jpg
Grading only parity-yes.jpg Candidates to be imported via csv file
No threshold set parity-yes.jpg
Navigation in randomized order parity-yes.jpg
Navigation in random pulling section parity-yes.jpg 
Navigation in candidate selected pull parity-yes.jpg
Other exam types parity-yes.jpg


Marking workflow settings

Individual marks parity-yes.jpg
Shared marks parity-yes.jpg
Align marks and grades parity-yes.jpg
Confirm all candidates at once parity-yes.jpg
Confirm individual candidate parity-yes.jpg
One grader can confirm parity-yes.jpg
All graders need to confirm parity-yes.jpg
Student sign-off (delete submission) parity-yes.jpg


Marking related functionalities

Set manual mark parity-yes.jpg Except "No threshold set" case
Override automatic mark parity-yes.jpg
Reset mark/Revert to automatic mark parity-yes.jpg
Set integer marks parity-yes.jpg
Set decimal marks parity-yes.jpg
Set negative marks parity-yes.jpg
Banded marks parity-yes.jpg
Criteria marks parity-yes.jpg
Marking group exam parity-yes.jpg
Setting grade parity-yes.jpg
Automatic grade calculation based on thresholds parity-yes.jpg
Set manual grade parity-yes.jpg
Revert to automatic grade parity-yes.jpg
Threshold editor parity-yes.jpg
Align grade parity-yes.jpg
Close test and start grading parity-yes.jpg
Bypass private marking (planner) parity-yes.jpg
Reopen final grading parity-yes.jpg
Confirm own grading parity-yes.jpg
Confirm final grading parity-yes.jpg
Unconfirm final grades parity-yes.jpg
Listing on candidate parity-yes.jpg
Filter on candidate parity-yes.jpg
All submissions as pdf parity-yes.jpg
Grades to excel parity-yes.jpg
Marks and grades as csv parity-yes.jpg
Marks to excel parity-yes.jpg
Distractor analysis csv parity-yes.jpg
Candidate report csv parity-yes.jpg
Upload grades from excel parity-yes.jpg
Private notes candidate & user question parity-yes.jpg
Explanation of grades parity-yes.jpg
Annotate on candidate parity-yes.jpg
Add grader to committee parity-no.jpg
Edit test workflow parity-no.jpg
Edit committee workflow parity-no.jpg
Send invite to grader parity-yes.jpg
Open test in Deliver parity-yes.jpg
Single submission as pdf parity-yes.jpg
Show attachment parity-yes.jpg
Upload marking scheme parity-yes.jpg
View test marking scheme parity-yes.jpg
View question marking scheme parity-yes.jpg
Show plagiarism report tab parity-yes.jpg
Grading protocol parity-yes.jpg
Deanonymization parity-yes.jpg

Test transfer grades to FS, transfer to fs,
transfer per committee

Show overall log events parity-yes.jpg
Show candidate log events parity-yes.jpg
Show user question log events parity-yes.jpg
Appeals parity-yes.jpg
Moderated marking parity-no.jpg
Wordcount parity-yes.jpg


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