InsperaScan 2.0 - How-to guide for scanning

This article will cover how to scan sketches in InsperaScan 2.0 using a PC and how to upload them into Inspera Assessment.

Note: The first part of this guide covers the scanning process. If you have previously scanned the sheets into a folder, you can use the option "Load images from a folder". Go directly to Handle unprocessed images for further instructions. 

Table of contents

Recommended workflow for InsperaScan 2.0

Please make sure Invigilators or other on-site staff follows the recommended workflow here:

It's possible to scan a whole stack of sketches. These will automatically be added to the correct question and candidate in Inspera Assessment. When possible, we recommend scanning the sketches from each candidate separately and mark the cover sheet when the scanning is complete for that candidate.


Step 1 - Choose Application

The first step is to choose which application you want to work with. This is another way of saying, ‘which sheet, or form, do you wish to work with?’

  1. Choose an application from the Select application pull-down menu.
    • The standard answer sheet format is Inspera Assessment. 


InsperaScan will remember which application you have chosen, even if you exit from it. 

Tip: We recommend checking that the correct application is selected each time you open InsperaScan. 


Step 2 - Create a Session

  1. Click mceclip0.png New Session.
  2. Give the session a name. 


The Application number / name, Session directory, and the file name information is now displayed on the top line of the screen, and data headers of an empty grid appear.InsperaScan_2.2.JPG


Step 3 - Scan the sheets 

1. Select the scanner you want to use (if you have done this before, go to point 2). 

The first time you scan, you will need to tell InsperaScan the name of the scanner you want to use (even if you only have one scanner).

  1. From the menu header, click Scanner
  2. Select Search from the drop-down menu. 
  3. A list of scanner drivers installed on your computer will be displayed.
Note: Keep in mind that InsperaScan uses TWAIN interface to interact with the scanner so you need to choose a TWAIN scanner. Choose the one that does not include the word WIA.

2. Click mceclip1.png Scan to start scanning. 

Some scanners will show an intermediate window or "User interface" that may vary from each scanner model. In this case you need to make sure that the following settings are set:

  • Colour 24 bits
  • 200 dpi

As sheets are fed through the scanner, a new line or row of date is shown on the screen:InsperaScan_2.4.JPG

If you have more batches to scan,  press the "Resume" button on the scanner progress window, until all the sheets are scanned. 


Upload sheets from a folder

If you need to upload your sheets from a folder, rather than scanning them directly, follow the steps below. 

To upload your sheets from a folder within your computer:

  1. From the upper menu, click Scanner
  2. Select Configuration from the dropdown menu. 

Configuration settings:

  1. Click Load images from the following folder.
  2. Click the Browse for folder icon. Select your folder from the directory.
  3. Click the Preview icon to preview the files in your folder.
  4. Clickto exit.



To add more sheets to previous sessions, select a previously created session from the Test Session drop-down menu. InsperaScan_2.3.JPG


Show images

To show the image corresponding to each row,

  1. From the menu header, click Form Image and select View Form.
  2. Click on the row you want to view the image of. 


Delete a given row

  1. Click "Delete Selected".
    • To delete more than 1 row at a time, hold the Ctrl key and select your additional rows. Click "Delete Selected".
  2. To recover deleted records, click  mceclip3.png  Undo to revert the deletion.
  3. To save your changes, click mceclip4.png Save.


Note: Once you save your changes, both the deleted records and the corresponding images are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. 


Step 4 - Review Errors

In the case of an error, e.g. a student does not follow the fill-in instructions, you can review errors.

  1. From the menu header, click Edit.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Review Errors Now.

In the example below, the question code has more than one mark in column 3. In a case like this, an asterisk (*) is entered instead of a digit.mceclip0.png

To solve this, enter the correct digit in each of the columns shown as an error, and press OK at the top of the central columns to move on to the next error. The software will prompt you when there are no errors left to review. 

If important data has not been captured for a form, such as the Candidate ID number, then double clicking on the cell on the left hand side of the screen, where you would expect the data to be, will reveal the image of the form on the right hand side of the screen. A central column will appear where you can make manual corrections.


Step 5 - Finish Session

1. Export the image clips for each of the scanned answer sheets to the defined export folder. 

From the header menu, click File and select Paths.


2. Click Finish session.

A folder named after the Session name will be created in the export folder and all clips will be stored in that folder using the question Code ("Skissenummer") as the name of the clip.InsperaScan_2.8.JPG

If there are any asterisks in the Question Code, the corresponding images will get a pound sign (#) in the positions where there is an asterisk (*) in the code.

If you modify the name of the Question Code during the Review Errors process, the name of the corresponding file will be modified accordingly. 


Handle unprocessed images

Note: This section only applies when using the option Load images from a folder.

When processing images from a folder, all images correctly processed are moved to a folder called "Processed".

Images that do not comply with InsperaScan requirements (incomplete, skewed, etc.), are not suitable for processing and they are kept in the original folder and their information is not captured. 

After processing is finished, a message will inform you about the number of images correctly processed and the number of images unprocessed.

If there are any images unprocessed, you can click mceclip2.png Unprocessed. A new window called Unprocessed Images will open, displaying the unprocessed sheets. InsperaScan_2.9.JPG

In this window, you can manually enter the question codes for every image in its corresponding column (SkisseNummer). 

Click "Finish session", and the images will be renamed and exported to the Processed Images folder.





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