InsperaScan - Troubleshooting

This article is applicable for InsperaScan 1.0 and 2.0. 

How to troubleshoot or handle errors during candidate hand-in or when uploading sketches, and how to find sketch codes.


Problems during candidate hand-in:


Problems when uploading sketches:


Problems during candidate hand-in

Here you will find solutions to problems that might occur during candidate hand-in and how these can be fixed  on site if time allows it.

Note: As long as all the sketches are collected inside the cover sheet, and preferably sorted correctly, any mistakes made during this step can be rectified at a later point.


The candidate has already logged out of Inspera Assessment and can no longer access the codes

When a candidate have delivered and logged out of Inspera Assessment, both the planner(s) and chief invigilator(s) on the test can get sketch codes for the candidate. 

Note: It is not possible for invigilators to find candidates' sketch codes.

If time is limited and you can't help the candidate immediately, this can be resolved later. Make a note on the front of the cover sheet that there are missing codes for this candidate.


Find candidate's sketch codes

Sketch codes can be found in four different ways:

  1. Find sketch codes for all candidates (planner only)
  2. Through "Sketch code sheet" (after the candidate has submitted)
  3. Through "Sketches" (after the candidate has submitted)
  4. Through "View submission" (after the candidate has submitted)

1. Find sketch codes for all candidates (Planner only)

Planner can find sketch codes for all candidates by opening the test in Deliver and clicking "Sketch code" button. This can be done at any time of the test lifecycle, even before the candidates have started (but after the test is activated).


A new tab will pop up. The tab contains sketch codes for all candidates, and these can be printed. One page will be printed per candidate.



Note: By pressing "Print", all sketch codes for all candidates will be printed.


2. Through "Sketch code sheet"

Note: This will only be available if the candidate has submitted the test, and is available for both planner and chief invigilator.

  1. Open Monitor.
  2. Find and select the candidate.
  3. Choose "Sketch code sheet".Oppgavekoder_p__papir_EN.JPG
  4. The tab is almost the same as the one that opens when going through Deliver, but will only be for the selected candidate. The sketch codes for each candidate can be printed if desired. 


3. Through "Sketches"

Note: This will only be available if the candidate has submitted the test, and is available for both planner and chief invigilator.

  1. Open Monitor.
  2. Find and select the candidate.
  3. Choose "Sketches" from the pop-up menu. H_ndtegninger_EN.JPG
  4. In the tab that opens, you will find the sketch code for the questions: 



4. Trough "View submission"

Note: This will only be available if the candidate has submitted the test, and is available for both planner and chief invigilator. 

  1. Open Monitor.
  2. Find and select the candidate.
  3. Press "View submission" from the pop-up menu. Se_besvarelse_EN.JPG
  4. In the tab that opens, you will find an overview of all the questions in the test. Select the question for which you want to find the sketch code. The sketch code is at the bottom of the question. 



The candidate hands in empty sketches inside the cover sheet

Just remove these. This kind gesture will save time for the staff doing the scanning. 



Problems when uploading sketches

A sketch is missing from a submission for a candidate or perhaps you need to delete one sketch for a candidate.

If a sketch is still missing a code at this point this guide will also tell you where you can find them in Inspera Assessment.


Manually upload the sketch 

This is handy if for example a sketch for some reason is not scanned correctly.

When manually uploading a sketch for the candidate you do not need the sketch code or a correct filename. You rather add it directly to the candidate and the correct question.

  1. Open Monitor.
  2. Select the candidate.
  3. Choose "Sketches" from the pop-up window.H_ndtegninger_EN.JPG
  4. In the "Manage sketches for candidate" view find the correct question.
  5. Click "Select image" to browse all files on your computer. Velg_bilde_EN.JPG
  6. Select the file.


Removing sketches from a candidate

If you for any reason need to remove a sketch from a candidate.

  1. Open Monitor.
  2. Select the candidate.
  3. Choose "Sketches" from the pop-up window.
  4. In the "Manage sketches for candidate" view find the correct question.
  5. Click "Edit".Rediger_EN.JPG
  6. In the new tab find the correct sketch and click Delete file.Slett_EN.JPG


Sketches are sorted in the wrong order

Note: This is only relevant if a candidate hands in more than one sketch for each question.

Sometimes the sketches for a candidate can be sorted in the wrong order. There can be several reasons for this:

  • The candidate submitted his sketches in the wrong order and hence they got an incorrect filename.
  • The candidate submitted his sketches correct, but they were scanned in the wrong order.
  • Manually uploaded sketches are always added last.



  1. Remove all the sketches form the candidate.
  2. Manually upload the sketches in the correct order starting with the first sketch.


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