This article is about Administration of explantations for the Grader.
Administration of explanations
What does Administration of explanations mean to you as a grader:
- As a grader you get a complete picture of the requested explanations.
- You will receive a notification email when it is registered that a candidate has requested an explanation.
- Gives you a overview of which candidates have requested explanations in the Grading tool.
- You can still write an explanation even if the candidate has not (yet) requested one.
What does Administration of explanations mean for co-graders or committees:
- All co-graders, or all graders in a committee, have the same access and rights to edit and change the status of explanations.
- The Grading tool stores which grader last edited the explanation, as well as who changed the status.
Display in the Grading tool
In the Grading tool, you will get an overview of which candidates have requested explanations. There are two ways to write explanations:
- Write the explanation while you mark the submission.
- After the marking is completed. When this is completed, the status bar for explanations (highlighted blue) will appear.
Click Show all or Show results to get to the results page where you get an overview of which candidates have requested explanations.
Status on Explanations
Also when you click on a candidate you get an overview of whether the candidate has requested an explanation. In additon, you will also see the status of the explanation if it is started/ready.
Note: All changes in status are logged, and you can choose to subscribe to notifications by email for such changes. You can read more about customizing notification settings here.
Status: Not requested Explanation of Grade
Under Explanation on the candidate, this means that the planner has not set a status on explanation of grade. As a grader, you can still write a explanation by pressing Add.
Status: Requested
When the planner has set status to requested, this is also shown under Explanation.
To add explanation, press Add. The status of the explanation will be updated to Draft.
The explanation can either be written right from the start, and/or you can add your private notes by pressing Add your private notes.
Tip: You can read more about writing explanations in Explanation of grades.
As a grader, you can save/change the status of the explanation in two ways:
- If you are not done with the explanation: Save the explanation as Draft by pressing Save draft. Explanations with the status "Draft" cannot be sent to the candidates.
- If you are done with the explanation: Save the explanation as Draft, and then click Mark as Ready.
Status: Ready
Once you have marked the explanation as Ready, it is ready to be sent to the candidate. Even if the explanation is marked Ready, it can still be edited until it is actually sent to the candidate.
The explanation can be sent to the candidate by the planner, or by you as a grader. To be able to send the explanation directly to the candidate, this must be allowed by the planner. In this case, Send to candidate (grey button) will be displayed.
Note: The test must have status Graded before explanations can be sent to the candidates. All graders and committees must have confirmed the common grading.
Status: Sent
When the explanation is sent, it will be immediately available in the candidate's Archive. Once this is done, the explanation can no longer be edited.
Status: Read
In the grading tool, you can also see if the indvidual candidate has seen the explanation. If it says Read under Explanation, this means that the candidate has logged in and seen the explanation. Unfortunately, if the candidate has read through the entire explanation, Inspera Assessment has no guarantee.