To add an extra layer of security for access to test, Inspera offers the possibility to configure tests to use a day password. This can be used in combination with lockdown tests.


The setting can be found in the test options, under Security.



There are two options for setting a day password. Either the password can be automatically generated when the test is activated, or you can set a custom password. The password will behave in two different ways:

  • Automatically generated password will change the next day, if the test is scheduled for more than one day. The candidate is also prompted for the new password before they can open the test again.
  • Custom password will stay the same for the duration of the test.

As long as the start and end time of the test is on the same day, the password will stay the same regardless of which option is used, and the candidate will only be prompted for password once.

The password will become available on the front page of the test the same day as the test start time.


You can change to a custom password after the test has started, but only if no candidates have started the test yet. Once one or more candidates have started the test, the day password is locked for editing.

If there are no candidates in progress, you will be presented with a warning that candidates that have already entered the previous password must reload the page and enter the new password.

Tip: Use day password in combination with Inspera lockdown for Chromebooks to make sure that candidates cannot open the test unless they are physically in the exam room where the password will be distributed.


Candidate experience

When the candidate logs in to access the test from their Dashboard, they will see that a day password is required.


After clicking on the get ready button, the candidate will be presented with a password prompt. The candidate enters the password to unlock the test.


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