Filter candidates in grading

In the grading module you can use the filter menu in order to only see questions and candidates relevant for you. 

It can be that you want to hide correct answered questions in order to focus on the questions where you have to comment. It can also be that you only want to grade a specific question in the test, since your colleague will take the rest. The filter will help you hide the irrelevant questions and candidates. 

How to use the grade filters

Start with choosing the Grade module in the upper menu. Search for the test you want to grade and click on that test. Start grading by choosing "Grade your candidates".


Now you can use the filter to hide questions or candidates you do not want to see in your grading process.

Use the filter by choosing “Filters” in the upper right corner.


Filter in candidate list

When you are in the candidate list, there is only one filter available - candidate status.



Available filters on candidate level

There will be more filter options available once you click on one of the candidates in the list.

You can choose among the following filters:

  • Candidate status
  • Mark scheme
  • Results
  • Question number / name
  • Question type


The filter menu is available on the candidate page and question page.

Your filter settings will continue to apply even if you navigate between different candidates, etc. You can select “Reset all” to reset the filtering, or change the filter by clicking “Filters”.


Examples of use cases

  • See candidates only who has not yet gotten a result on the test by choosing "Mark scheme" and "Not marked"
  • See only wrongly or partly wrong answered questions by choosing "Result" and "Wrong/Partly wrong"
  • See only questions 3, 4 and 5 (for example) by choosing “Question number” and then mark all the questions you want to see (3, 4 and 5 in this case).

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