Question type - Drag and drop


Automatically marked question.

The question is answered by dragging and dropping text or objects.

Drag and drop is a question type where a number of drag objects (drag area) are to be dragged over predefined drop areas. The drag objects can be images and / or text. The drop areas are added on a image background, or alternatively just as a field. 

Information: For tablet devices, we recommend disabling the option to rotate the screen during tests with this question type. Rotating between horizontal and vertical views on a tablet device can cause the screen to freeze.

In the question's edit mode, you can do the following: 


1. Replace text with desired question text.

2. Add math (LaTex), files, tables, links, PDF, images and / or audio clips to the question text.

3. Set general options for the question type. Read more about general options for questions


Specific options

Clicking on the interaction element gives you the specific options for the question type.


1. Prompt

Write an explanation text for the question. The text will appear in the workspace.. "Select one alternative:" is set by default. 


2. Background

Add a image as background (jpg, png or svg). The image should be 620x400 in size.


3. Drag and drop areas

  • Drag areas: Add a drag area for each object. The drag area can be text and / or an image. Images are automatically adjusted to the drag area, but it is recommended that the size of the image is as close to the actual size of the area as possible.


 (A) Remove a drag area by clicking on the cross at the desired drag area.

  • Drop areas: Add a drop area. The drop areas are marked with numbers, and the size of the areas can be adjusted. It is possible to have more or fewer drop areas. The areas are added and removed in the same way as for drag areas. 

Connect the drag and drop areas:

  1. Click the drag object to connect. A blue boarder appears around the selected drag object.
  2. Click the drop area associated with the selected drag object. The same drag object may be connected to one or more drop areas. 
  3. The link is created and made visible as a green line that connects the drag and drop areas and is added / removed by repeatedly clicking the drop area.
  4. Click outside the objects to remove focus from the drag object. At this point, all the objects and their links will be visible to the entire question. 
  5. Repeat this process until all drag and drop areas are defined. 


4. Options

  • Lower and upper mark limit: Can be set for each interaction element. The value here will override the mark settings set for the whole question. Read more about this in the article on advanced scoring
  • Snap to grid in authoring: A grid will cover the interaction element. This makes it easier for the author to set up the drag and drop areas.
  • Free placing drag areas: A default setting where the candidates themselves have to drag and drop the object within the corresponding drop area. If this is not selected, the object will automatically move to the correct location.
  • Mark drop areas:  Areas where drag objects must be dropped are delimited and made visible to the candidates.
  • Regard question as unanswered if no drag object is dropped on a drop area: If a candidate not drag the object within a drop area, it will be considered unanswered. Note that all drop areas must be considered as unanswered in order for the question to be considered as unanswered in its entirety. Unanswered marks are set under General Options in the question's edit mode. 
  • Interaction height: Change the height of the interaction element. The default is 400p (recommended height). In case the height needs to be increased to facilitate more elements, it is recommended to preview and test the question to ensure a good candidate experience. 


The image above shows what it looks like with the setting Mark drop areas. This makes it possible for the candidates to see where they can drag the objects to. 

Tip: Make sure the question works as expected by Previewing the question and test correct answers. Marks and correct answers can not be changed after the test has started.


5. External identifier

For information on external identifier, read general options for questions

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