Open for resubmission and submit on behalf of candidate

If the test end time has passed, or the candidate has submitted, Inspera Assessment allows a planner or chief invigilator on the test to open for resubmission for a candidate. This can be useful in a variety of situations, particularly if a candidate has forgotten to submit the test.



How to open for resubmission

  1. In Monitor, locate and select the candidate in the candidate list.
  2. Click on Resubmission in the action banner. This will present you with a few options.

If you want the candidate to be able to continue the test, select Allow candidate to submit. This will allow the candidate to log in and continue the test. Read more about the options for resubmission in the article Open for resubmission

  • Tests with duration may be opened for resubmission if the candidate's time has expired but the test is still active.
  • A resubmission is not possible if a grade has been set on the delivery.

How to submit on behalf of the candidate

If the candidate has forgotten to submit but has completed the test, follow the required steps:

  1. In Monitor, locate and select the candidate in the candidate list.
  2. Click on Resubmission in the action banner.
  3. Select either Allow candidate to resubmit within test window or Allow candidate to resubmit.
  4. Click on the Update button.
  5. Ensure the candidate is selected.
  6. Click on Resubmission in the action banner.
  7. Select Do not allow candidate to resubmit.
  8. Select Submit current version (recommended)

This will submit the most recent version of the candidate’s answer, including everything the candidate did after the submission was reopened. The candidate status will now be updated to "Submitted" and the submission is available for marking. 




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