Action Menus: User Management

Administrator - User Management Menu

User Management 

The User Management menu allows administrators to edit users in the system. The menu provides two distinct views for efficient navigation and management of existing educators and students.

• Educators

Administrators can filter educators by institution and faculty, or search for educators by name. Additionally, administrators can export the data shown on the Educators page within User Management.  

Educator users are displayed in rows, with each row containing essential information, including: 

  • Educator name
  • Educator email
  • Corresponding educator institution
  • Corresponding educator department
  • Number of assigned subjects
  • Status (whether the user is active or inactive)
  • Edit button 

The Edit button in each educator row allows administrators to modify educator details as needed. Administrators can edit the following information for each educator in the system.

  • Full name 
  • Email 
  • Institution
  • Department
  • Subjects - Add new subjects or remove already assigned subjects
  • Status - Change from active to inactive and vice versa
  • Role -  Change the educator's role to a student.

Once the educator details are updated, administrators can click the Confirm button to finalize the educator modification process.

• Students

Administrators can filter students by institution and faculty, or search for students by name. by educator or search for them by name. Additionally, administrators can export the data shown on the Students page within User Management.  

Student users are displayed in rows, with each row containing essential information, including: 

  • Student name
  • Student email
  • Corresponding student institution
  • Corresponding student department
  • Status
  • Edit button

Each student row includes an Edit button, enabling administrators to modify student details as needed. Administrators can edit the following information for each student in the system:

  • Full name 
  • Email 
  • Student ID
  • Institution
  • Department
  • Status - Change from active to inactive and vice versa
  • Role -  Change the student’s role to an educator.

Once the student details are updated, administrators can click the “Confirm” button to finalize the student modification process. Administrators can also click the “Delete” button to delete the student from the platform. 

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