Administrator Analytics Section
The dashboard starts at the analytics page where administrator users can view system-wide data and statistics. This information is sectioned for easy consumption.
• System Overview
This section provides a comprehensive numerical breakdown of key metrics within the system, offering insights into its usage and activity.
- Number of subjects in the system
- Number of assignments in the system
- Number of students in the system
- Number of educators in the system
- Number of student submissions
- Number of submissions by classification:
- High Similarity
- Medium Similarity
- Low Similarity
• Institution Ratios
This section provides a comprehensive numerical breakdown of institutional ratios within the system.
- Student-to-Educator Ratio
- Student-to-Subject Ratio
- Student-to-Submission Ratio
- Educator-to-Subject Ratio
- Educator-to-Assignment Ratio
- Educator-to-Submission Ratio
• Graphical Representation
This section provides a graphical representation of submission performance over a configurable period of time. The graph displays the total number of submissions classified as High, Medium, or Low similarity for each month over the past 12 months, with the option to configure the data by year.
• Additional Information
This section provides additional insights, including the educators with the most assignments created and the students with the most submissions made.