Information: Inspera Recorded, Record & Review, and Live Proctoring require activation. If you would like to find out more, please ask your Inspera account manager.

This article is for Planners and Invigilators

Proctoring Flags are logged observations of candidates’ activity during the exam. Inspera Proctoring tracks the candidate's activities from the candidate’s test environment during the exam to identify the flags.

Types of proctoring flags

Below is a list of flags that may be generated during a test.

# Flag Flag Description Proctoring Types
1 No face detected This event is triggered when the proctoring system fails to detect a face in the camera's view. This may occur if the candidate is not present or is positioned outside the camera's range. All
2 Multiple faces detected This event indicates that the system has detected more than one face in the camera's view. This may suggest the presence of an additional person, which could potentially violate assessment protocols. All
3 Object detection This event occurs when an unrecognised object is detected within the camera’s view during the assessment. This could include prohibited items or materials not allowed in the exam environment. All
4 Microphone switched This event is logged when the microphone has been changed from one to another or if the same microphone was disconnected and connected back again. This might indicate potential manipulations during the assessment. All
5 Camera switched This event signifies a change in the camera used for the session. It could suggest attempts to disrupt visual monitoring or issues with the camera setup. All
6 Camera not detected This event is noted when the system is unable to detect a camera. This could be due to technical issues, absence of a camera, or the camera being deliberately disabled. All
7 Window focus out This event indicates that the focus of the candidate’s computer has shifted away from the assessment window. It may suggest that the candidate is accessing other applications or resources during the assessment. All
8 Session Created This event indicates a new session has been created for proctoring. All
9 Session Joined This event marks the candidate's entry into the online proctoring session, indicating they have successfully accessed the test environment. All
10 Session Completed This event signifies the candidate has finished the proctoring and exited the session, marking the end of their participation. All
11 Screen-capture Started Indicates the commencement of screen capture, recording the candidate's screen activity for monitoring purposes. All
12 Screen-capture Stopped Marks the cessation of screen recording, stopping the capture of the candidate's screen activity. All
13 Recording Started This event occurs when the system begins recording video and/or audio, capturing the candidate's actions and environment during the proctoring. All
14 Recording Stopped Indicates that the video and/or audio recording of the proctoring session has been stopped. All
15 Notification Permission Granted The candidate has allowed notifications, enabling alerts or important messages to be received during the session. All
16 Notification Permission Denied This event is logged when the candidate denies permission for notifications, potentially affecting the receipt of alerts or messages. All
17 Camera Test Passed Indicates successful verification of the camera's functionality, confirming it's operational for the assessment. All
18 Camera Test Failed The camera has not met the required operational standards in the pre-proctoring test, suggesting potential issues. All
19 Microphone Test Passed This event shows the microphone is functioning correctly, as determined by a pre-proctoring test. All
20 Microphone Test Failed Indicates the microphone failed to meet the necessary operational criteria in the pre-proctoring test. All
21 Audio device detected The system has successfully recognized an audio device connected to the candidate's computer. All
22 Audio device not detected This event is logged when no audio device is detected in the candidate's system, indicating a potential issue. All
23 Audio Test Passed Confirms that the audio test was successful, indicating the audio system is functioning properly. All
24 Audio Test Failed Indicates the failure of the audio test, suggesting issues with the audio system. All
25 Audio Test Retried This event occurs when a candidate initiates a retry of the audio test after a previous failure or issue. All
26 Browser Not Supported The candidate's browser is not compatible with the assessment platform, potentially impacting the session's functionality. All
27 Browser Supported Indicates the candidate's browser is compatible and supported by the assessment platform. All
28 Camera Not Detected The system failed to detect a camera on the candidate's device, which could hinder visual monitoring. All
29 Camera Detected Confirms the successful detection of a camera on the candidate's device. All
30 Camera Permission Granted The candidate has granted permission for the proctoring system to access their camera. All
31 Camera Permission Denied This event is logged when the candidate denies permission for the system to access their camera. All
32 Microphone Permission Granted Indicates that the candidate has allowed the system to access their microphone. All
33 Microphone Permission Denied The candidate has denied permission for the proctoring system to use their microphone. All
34 Hardware Test Passed All necessary hardware (camera, microphone, etc.) has passed the pre-proctoring functionality tests. All
35 Camera switched This event logs any switching of the camera device during the proctoring session. All
36 Microphone not detected The system is unable to detect a microphone on the candidate's device, which may impact audio monitoring. All
37 Test Environment Camera Video This event relates to the capture and review of video footage from the candidate's environment to ensure test integrity. All
38 Precheck Approved The candidate’s pre-assessment checks (identity verification, environment scan, etc.) have been approved. Live
39 Precheck Rejected Indicates the candidate’s pre-assessment submissions did not meet required standards and were rejected. Live
40 Precheck Submitted Marks the submission of pre-assessment checks like identity verification and environment scans by the candidate. Live
41 Session Terminated This event signifies the termination of the assessment session due to rule violations or technical issues. Live
42 Photo ID capture The process of capturing and logging the candidate's photo identification for verification purposes. All
43 Face capture Refers to the capturing of the candidate's face for identity verification and monitoring during the assessment. All
44 Full Screen Sharing Permitted Indicates that the candidate has permitted full screen sharing, allowing complete visibility of their screen activity. All
45 Face capture Success Successfully captured the candidate's face for identity and monitoring purposes. All
46 Face capture Failure The system failed to capture the candidate's face, which may require additional steps or review. All
47 ID card capture success Indicates successful capture of the candidate's ID card. All
48 ID card capture failure The system failed to capture the candidate's ID card, indicating a potential issue. All
49 Environment test capture success Successfully captured the candidate’s testing environment. All
50 Environment test capture failure The system failed to capture the candidate’s testing environment, indicating non-compliance or issues. All
51 Audio Call Requested An audio call has been requested, possibly for communication or further verification/assistance purposes. Live
52 Audio Call Initiated Marks the initiation of an audio call with the candidate during the assessment process. Live
53 Audio Call Connected This event indicates that the audio call has been successfully connected with the candidate. Live
54 Audio Call Progress Shows that the audio call is in progress, facilitating real-time communication or verification. Live
55 Audio Call Ended Indicates the conclusion of the audio call with the candidate. Live
56 Candidate Offline This event is logged when the candidate goes offline or loses connection during the assessment session. Live
57 Primary Camera connected This event is logged when the primary camera has connected successfully. Live
58 Primary Camera disconnected This event is logged when the primary camera has disconnected. Live
59 Primary Camera recording started This event is logged when the primary camera is connected and when the feed is getting recorded successfully. Live
60 Primary Camera recording stopped This event is logged when the primary camera feed is not getting recorded. Live
61 Secondary Camera recording started This event is logged when the candidate starts their secondary camera recording. All
62 Secondary Camera recording stopped This event is logged when the candidate disconnects their secondary camera during the assessment. All
63 Screen Recording Started This event gets logged when the candidate starts sharing their screen. All
64 Screen Recording Stopped This event gets logged when the candidate stops sharing their screen. All
65 Book-like object detected  This flag is raised when a book-like object is detected in the view of the camera in the test taker’s surroundings. The book will only be detected if it is within 1.5 metres/5 feet from the camera.  All
66 Mobile-like object Detected  This flag is raised when a mobile-like object is detected in the view of the camera in the test takers surroundings. The phone will only be detected if it is within 1.5 metres/5 feet from the camera. All


Severity of proctoring flags

The severity of proctoring flags plays a crucial role in determining the ProView Index rating for each candidate. Each flag has a threshold, which is the number of times a candidate can trigger the flag before it impacts the ProView Index, and a severity level, indicating the significance of that impact. Additionally, flags have a notification limit, specifying how often a candidate is alerted when a flag is triggered. These elements are key inputs for the algorithm that calculates the final ProView Index rating.

For instance, the "Multiple face detected" flag is considered critical and has a threshold of 1, meaning it has a significant impact on the ProView Index as soon as it's triggered. On the other hand, the "No face detected" flag, which could occur if a candidate briefly moves out of focus, has a low severity rating and a threshold of 5, making it less impactful on the ProView Index.

All these factors together contribute to the final ProView Index rating calculated by our algorithm.


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