This is available for Graders in Marking 2.0.
New workspace structure and navigation
Reflecting the common grader workflows, the workspaces are now organized and connected to provide different vantage points that graders take when evaluating the cohort/class, individual candidate, and that candidate’s response to a given question. This manifests in the menu indentation of two sub-level workspaces and a navigation breadcrumb that aids wayfinding.
The menu has reflected the structure change of three workspaces. In the menu, these levels will be visible and accessible at all times.
- Level 1: Grading overview, Question,
- Level 2: Candidate in focus
- Level 3: Marking
The navigation breadcrumbs at the top of each page indicate the user's current location. Clicking on any part of the breadcrumb allows direct navigation to a different workspace.
- Level 1: Grading overview
- Level 2: Grading overview > Candidate in focus: {CandidateID}
- Level 3: Grading overview > Candidate in focus: {CandidateID} > Marking: Question {QuestionNumber}
Additionally, we have introduced context-specific hyperlinks to connect workspaces purposefully to help graders dive in or zoom out within the leveled workspace structure.
In ‘Grading overview’, clicking on a row (representing a candidate) in the data table opens the ‘Candidate in focus’ workspace of the selected candidate. In ‘Candidate in focus’, clicking on a row (representing a question) in the data table opens the ‘Marking’ workspace of the selected question with the response from the selected candidate.
Workspace updates
Several workspaces have been refreshed to enhance usability and help streamline graders’ workflow.
‘Grading overview’ workspace
- The ‘Overview’ workspace is renamed as ‘Grading overview’ to calrify of its purpose.
- Clicking on the ‘Complete your grading of test’ shortcut card leads to the Marking workspace, defaulting to the candidate's first question or the first unmarked question of an ungraded candidate.
- The 'Ungraded candidates' shortcut card displays the number of candidates graded and is clickable to filter the data table below to display the tab ‘Ungraded candidates’.
3.1 The status in shortcut cards is adaptive to reflect the selected committee context
*Note this card is currently not supported in Marks-only tests. - The progress indicator in the header now shows the specific number of candidates graded rather than a percentage.
- The overview data table is now with additional default filtering tabs of ‘Ungraded candidates’ and ‘Flagged candidates.’
- Clicking on a candidate in the data table opens the "Candidate in focus" workspace of the selected candidate.
‘Candidate in focus’ workspace
- “The ‘Candidate in focus’ workspace replaces ‘Results’ workspace to improve usability and facilitate a clearer use case of evaluating a candidate’s performance.
- Similar to a cover page of a candidate’s submission, this workspace provides
2.1 a dropdown menu for assigning a grade
2.2 display of total marks awarded to the candidate
2.3 a table showing the breakdown of the candidate’s performance of each question. - Clicking on a question in the data table opens the "Marking" workspace of the selected question with the response from the candidate in focus.
*Please note that the current 'Candidate in Focus' workspace is optimized for single-sit assessments only. It is not yet configured to accommodate multiple attempts or assessment path evaluations. We will collaborate with our customers to determine the most valuable candidate snapshot information for these types of assessments in the future
‘Marking’ workspace
- The navigation bar, for navigating among candidates or questions, is now placed below the navigation breadcrumbs.
‘Questions’ workspace
- The questions overview data table is now interactive — clicking on a question in the data table opens the "Marking" workspace of the selected question (default to the fist candidate).