Similarity Analysis

Understanding the Similarity Analysis

Inspera Originality provides an advanced similarity analysis, covering both original language similarity and translated language similarity

Each analysis includes an in-depth view, allowing users to access additional information from both a document-level and sentence-level perspective. 

Original Language Similarity | In-Depth View

Original language similarity refers to the similarity detected to other sources in the document languages.

In-Depth Analysis Information (Original Similarity)

At the document level for original language similarity, Inspera Originality provides the links to matching sources for all findings. Sources are ranked based on their similarity percentage and users can perform exclude/include actions for each source. 

Note: Excluding or including matching sources will rearrange the matching sources and alter the comprehensive similarity percentage for the language.

Users can also filter between matching sources at the document level to only display a specific source group. Exclude and include capabilities are available for each source within these groups. 

In-Depth Sentence Information (Original Similarity)

At the sentence level for original language similarity, Inspera Originality provides detailed information for a given sentence, showing:

  • Matching Source - provides a link to access the matching source
  • Matching Sentence - displays the matched sentence in the document
  • Classification - provides a classification based on the detected sentence similarity
  • Sentence Similarity - displays the level of sentence similarity as a percentage
  • Contextual Similarity - displayed the level of contextual similarity between the two sentences (sentence from document & sentence from matching source) as a percentage.
  • Proximity - related to context similarity and provides the average proximity of word allocation between the two sentences. (sentence from document & sentence from matching source.

To change the source for the sentence, click the Change Source button

To exclude the sentence, click the Exclude matching sentence button

Translated Language Similarity | In-Depth View

Translated language similarity refers to the similarity detected to other sources across multiple languages (up to 3 maximum) simultaneously. 

In-Depth Analysis Information (Translation Similarity)

At the document level for translated language similarity, Inspera Originality offers a comprehensive overview of matching sources for translated language similarity analysis across all languages included in the assessment.

The languages are ranked according to the degree of similarity the document exhibits with matching sources for each language.

Similarly, all matching sources for each language are ranked based on the level of detected similarity.

Note: Excluding or including matching sources will rearrange the matching sources and alter the comprehensive similarity percentage for the language, which may change the language’s ranking.

Users can also filter between matching sources at the document level to only display a specific source group. Exclude and include capabilities are available for each source within these groups. 

In-Depth Sentence Information (Translation Similarity)

At the sentence level for translated language similarity, Inspera Originality provides detailed information for a given sentence, showing:

  • Translated Sentence - displays the translated sentence from the matching sources
  • Matching Source - provides a link to access the matching source
  • Matching Sentence - displays the matched sentence in the document
  • Classification - provides a classification based on the detected sentence similarity
  • Sentence Similarity - displays the level of sentence similarity as a percentage
  • Contextual Similarity - displayed the level of contextual similarity between the two sentences (sentence from document & sentence from matching source) as a percentage.
  • Proximity - related to context similarity and provides the average proximity of word allocation between the two sentences. (sentence from document & sentence from matching source).

To change the source for the sentence, click the Change source button. 

To exclude the sentence for translation similarity, click the Exclude matching sentence button.


Original language similarity • The similarity detected to sources in the document language.

Translated language similarity • The similarity detected to sources in other languages 

Exclude Sentence • The functionality of excluding a sentence from either original or translation similarity

Include Sentece • The functionality of reincluding a sentence for either original or translation similarity

Change Source • The functionality of changing the source for a given sentence 

Exclude Character The functionality of excluding characters from the manipulation analysis

Include Character The functionality of including characters in the manipulation analysis

Exclude Hidden Text The functionality of excluding hidden text from the manipulation analysis

Include Hidden Text The functionality of including hidden text in the manipulation analysis

Exclude Image  The functionality of excluding images from the manipulation analysis

Include Image • The functionality of including images in the manipulation analysis

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