Assignment Configuration Settings
Educators in Inspera Originality can create assignments and configure various settings to customize the originality-checking features for each assignment. Currently, Inspera Originality offers two types of assignments:
- Assignment Submission
- Code Similarity
Assignment Submission
Submission-based assignments feature a variety of available settings displayed in two main sections:
- Assignment Details
- Additional Settings
Assignment Details
Within Assignment Details, educators can specify and configure general assignment settings such as:
- Assignment Name -->Set the name for the assignment
- Subject --> Assign the corresponding subject
- Start Date -->Set the start date for the assignment
- End Date -->Set the end date for the assignment
- Font Family -->Specify the accepted font for the assignment
- Description -->Set a description for the assignment.
Additionally, within the Assignment Details, educators can enable and configure Translation Similarity and Contextual Similarity, while AI Prediction can only be enabled.
- Translation Similarity --> Educators can enable Translation Similarity for the assignment and configure it accordingly. A maximum of 3 languages can be included in the analysis. Learn more.
- Contextual Similarity --> Educators can enable Context Similarity and configure the threshold accordingly. Learn more.
- AI Prediction --> Educators can enable AI prediction for the analysis to flag content potential generated by AI.
Additional Settings
Within Additional Settings, educators can configure additional options for the assignment, including:
- Document Archive --> Enables archiving student submissions for future student collusion-checking.
- Late Submission --> Enables late assignment submissions up to the specified date.
- Resubmission --> Enables assignment resubmissions up to the specified limit.
- Excluded Source Criteria --> Defines the percentage threshold at which matching sources are excluded from the Originality Report (e.g., matching sources below 5% will not be included in the report).
- Anonymous Submission --> Hides student names and details from the user interface. This option can be toggled on or off even after the assignment is created.
- Exclude Citations --> Enables the exclusion of citations, allowing focus solely on flagged issues
- Submission Word Limit --> Specifies the maximum word limit for the assignment.
- Include URLs --> Enables specifying certain URLs to include in the originality-checking process.
- Exclude URLs --> Enables specifying certain URLs to exclude from the originality-checking process.
- Enable Thresholds --> Enables the configuration of similarity thresholds for Exact Match and Possibly Altered Text classifications. Learn more.
Code Similarity
The code similarity assignment type features configuration settings to enhance the evaluation of code submissions. These settings cover standard assignment information and additional options such as:
- Assignment name --> Set the name for the assignment
- File type --> Select the file type for the code similarity assignment
- Subject --> Assign the corresponding subject
- Start date --> Set the start date for the code similarity assignment
- End date --> Set the end date for the code similarity assignment
- Description --> Set a description for the code similarity assignment.
- Late submission --> Enables late assignment submissions up to the specified date.